Browsing Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) by Title
Now showing items 162-181 of 458
Nitrogen Transfer of Two Cultivar Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) to Oat (Avena sativa L.)
(2003)Nitrogen fixed by the legume could be used by other plants, such as through rhizodeposition abnd direct transfer between roots. The possibilit,, of .N trun,rfer it? intercroppmg leguni-cereul huve iori,~be en obser~~eetl..s ... -
Optimasi Pemanfaatan Tanaman Transgenik
(2001)Human effort on improving agricultural crops has been expanding very rapidly, and recently by using gene transformation technology it was possible to introduceg enesfr om biologically unrelatedo rganismsi nto plant genomes. ... -
Pedoman Bagi Penulis Naskah
(1994) -
Pedoman Penulis Naskah
(1994) -
Pemakaian Teknik Kultur Jaringan Sebagai Alternatif Perbanyakan Melon (Cucumis Melo L.) Secara Vegetatif
(1990)Exploratory studies on the application of tissue culture technique as an alternative vegetative propagation method for melon were carried out in two experiments. The results showed that shoot-tips derived from seedlings ... -
Pemanenan Air untuk Menciptakan Sistem Usahatani yang Berkelanjutan (Pengalaman di Wonosari, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)
(2002)Rainfall-runoff harvesting on upland farming system and its effect to water production jknction and farming .system sustainability were disctrssed in this paper. Water production function indicated the exchange of the total ... -
Pemanfaatan Cendawan Mikoriza Arbuskula dan Bakteri Azospirillum sp.untuk Meningkatkan Efisiensi Pemupukan pada Turfgrass
(2006)Introduction turfgrass varieties require fertilization with high dosage, but it can contaminate environment. The increasing efficiency of fertilizer absorbtion was expected to reduce fertilizer requirement. The experiment ... -
Pemanfaatan pupuk Majemuk sebagai Sumber Hara Budidaya Tomat secara Hidroponik
(2003)The objective of this research was to know the effect of compound fertilizer as nutrient source for hydropomes tomatos. This experiment was conducted from Mei to September 2002. at Cikabayan Experiment Station of the ... -
Pematahan Dormansi Pucuk Burung pada Tanaman Teh (Camellia sinensis L.) Produktif secara Manual dan Kimia di Dataran Sedang
(2002)The experiment was aimed to study the influence of manner and time of aplication to breaking dormancy on shoots of productive tea at medium plain. The experiment was carried out at Goalpara Estate PT Rrkebunan XI2 Sukabumi ... -
Pematahan DormansiPucuk Burung pada Tanaman Teh (Camellia sinensis L.) Produktif seacra Manual dan Kimia di Dataran Sedang
(1991)The experiment was aimed to study the influence of manner and time of aplication to breaking dormancy on shoots of productive tea at medium plain. The experiment was carried out at Goalpara Estate PT Rrkebunan XI2 Sukabumi ... -
Pembentukan Galur Haploid Ganda Padi Gogo dengan Sifat-Sifat Tipe Baru melalui Kultur Antera
(2008)The breeding of upland rice with New Plant Type characters in relatively short time can be done by using anther culture technique. The technique has been recognized as a rapid and efficient technology for crop improvement. ... -
Pembentukan Tanaman Cabai Haploid Melalui Induksi Ginogenesis dengan Menggunakan Serbuk Sari yang Diradiasi Sinar Gamma
(2009)The objective of this research was to obtain haploid hot pepper plants by inducing gynogenesis with g-ray irradiated pollen for pollination. Fruits resulted from pollination by irradiated pollen was used as the explants ... -
Pembentukan Varietas Unggul Kedelai "Wilis"
(1990)"Wilis" , a soybean (Glycine max Merr) variety was released by Bogor Research Institute for Food Crqps in 1983. Wilis originated from the F4-derived line of a cross between No. 1682 and Orba, made in Bogor in 1975. The ... -
Pemberian Mulsa Terhadap Tujuh Varietas Kacang Hijau dan Keharaan Tanah di Lahan Lebak Tengahan
(2006)The objectives of this research were to obtain several mungbean varieties which suitable under fresh water swamp land conditions and to study the effect of mulch application on mungbean and soil nutrient in fresh water ... -
Pemetaan Marker Aflp untuk Membuat Peta Genetik Bit Gula
(2001)One hundred eighty two AFLP marker using primer combination of EcoRl/Msel and Pstl/Msel were used in this study to create a DNA marker genetic map of sugar beet. In average each primer combinationyielded 15.5 polymorphic ... -
Pemilihan Bahan Pemuliaan Jagung untuk Pembentukan Varietas Unggul Diskriminatif Tumpangsari : Padi + Jagung + Ubi Kayu di Lahan Kering. II. Stabilitas Relatif Hasil Biji Pipilan Kering
(1998)Intercropping C?mf aize, rice and cassavai s commonlyp racticed by subsistenfta rmers on rainfed agriculllire in Indonesia. In general, grain yield (if maize in intercropping is lower than in monoculllireisole crop. This ... -
Pemilihan Bahan Pemuliaan Padi untuk Pembentukan Varietas Unggul Diskriminatif Tumpangsari : Padi + Jagung + Ubi Kayu di lahan Kering II. Stabilitas Relatif Hasil Gabah
(1997)Intercropping (J'maize, rice and cassava is commonly practiced by subsistent farmers on rainfe~ agricultlrre in lrldonesia. In general, grain yield of rice in intercropping is lower than in monoculture.sok crop. This due ... -
Pemilihan Bahan Pemuliaan Padi untuk Pembentukan Varietas Unggul Diskriminatif Tumpangsari: Padi+Jagung+Ubi Kayu di lahan Kering
(1995)Intercropping of Maize, Rice and Cassava is commonly practiced by subsistent farmers on upland agriculture in Indonesia, In general, grain yield of rice under intercropping is very much lower than under monoculture crop. ... -
Pemilihan Bahan Pemuliaan untuk Pembentukan Varietas Unggul Diskriminatif Tumpangsari; Padi+Jagung+Ubi Kayu di lahan Kering. I Hasil Biji Kering Jagung
(1995)Intercropping of Maize, Rice and Cassava is commonly practiced by subsistent farmers on upland agriculture in Indonesia. In general, grain yield of maize under intercropping is very much lower than under monoculture crop. ... -
Pemilihan Jalur Pengolahan Guna Meningkatkan Mutu Fisik Dan Fisiologik Benih Kedelai (Glycine Max Var. Lokon)
(1986)Increasing the physical and physiological quality of soybean seed caused by the harvesting time are tried through a different set of processing line. The processing lines are manual, Air Screen Cleaner (ASC), ASC + Spiral ...