Nitrogen Transfer of Two Cultivar Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) to Oat (Avena sativa L.)
Nitrogen fixed by the legume could be used by other plants, such as through rhizodeposition abnd direct transfer between roots. The possibilit,, of .N trun,rfer it? intercroppmg leguni-cereul huve iori,~be en obser~~eetl..s r~c.cirril~ leguni with short and del~sero ot. This experiment had hecn curried olrl to derermlne ~vherherth ere iilm h trcrli.y/er.frol~~ fuhu bean (Vicia,faba L.) growing in association with out (Avenu sutivcr L.) and whether there was dqfkrence hetweeri IIVO c*ultivur.s oj'fuba bean in the amount of N trans&. iMethods used were comple!e-mixed-rouf ((.'MR) he/ween.firhrr hetrn and out, and mixed ha/f'the root qfjbba bean wi/h out (SR). As cr lracer isotope "N tsed ~n,#orm~ ?/'K'''A~O~ The experiment was carried out from May 2000 throzrgh ./untiuty 2001 in institute qf Agronony urid Plant Bre~~cliri,~. Llniversity of Goettingen Germany. The data of CMR method had great variance. Using SR method a positive value o/ IJ N enrichment was .found in oat indicated that transfr Nfrom faba bean cv. Minica and Scirocco occurred. There was no drfferencefound in the amount of N transferred between the two tested cultivars.