Pemanenan Air untuk Menciptakan Sistem Usahatani yang Berkelanjutan (Pengalaman di Wonosari, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)
Rainfall-runoff harvesting on upland farming system and its effect to water production jknction and farming .system sustainability were disctrssed in this paper. Water production function indicated the exchange of the total rainfall to rainfall net. The result of the experiment showed that measurement of the upland productivity will be reached through: ( I ) minimum fluctuation of wafer availability, (2) maximum water storage capacity of natural or urtijicial watershed, (3) optimum water use eflciency and variability of commodity. Rainfall-runoffharvesting through niodijication of hydrology characteristics by building channel reservoir on the river stream retained water in the rainy st'u.son and will distribute water in the dry season.