Browsing IPB e-Journal by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 3155
Masalah Pengelolaan Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman Padi di Daerah Pasang Surut
(1979)Daerah pasang surut merupakan daerah potensil dalam peningkatan produksi pangan khususnya padi. Kira-kira 250.000 hektar daerah pasag surut telah dibuka di Surmatra dan Kalimantan dan telah dikembangkan untuk produksi padi. ... -
Jenis Tanaman Inang Phakopsora Pachyrhizi syd. Penyebab Penyakit Karat pada Kedelai
(1979)A Number of legune species were inoculated with Phakopsora pachyrhizl Syd. the causal agent of soybean rust. the species showing rust sympton were pachyrhizus erosus, Crotalaria juncea, Glycinc var. si Nyonya, Vigna ... -
TMV-O pada Anggerik Aranda Wendy Scott
(1979)TKV-0 was identifled as the causal agent of a disease of Aranda Wendy Scott in Jakarta. Bioassay showed that the virus produced local lesions on Cassia occidentalis, Chenopodium amaranticolor, Gomphrene globosa, and Nicotiana ... -
Buletin Agronomi
(1980) -
Pengujian Daya Hasil Ubi Kayu di Tanah Aluvial Sitiung
(1980)Sepuluh klon nasional ubi kayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz) yang terbaik ditanam dalam suatu uji daya hasil pada tanah aluvial bertekstur liat hingga liat berdebu di Sitiung II. Sumatera Barat. Tanah dipupuk dengan 200 kg ... -
Perana Benih Dalam Usaha Pengembangan Palawija I
(1980)A system of interfield seedflow which in smale scale is functioning to suply the palawija farmers without long periods of storage, has prospects for larger systems within the palawija development program. However, such a ... -
Respo0ne Of Aplication NPK Fertilizer After The First Harvest To Mung-Bean Production
(1980)In a field experiment at CikarawanQ experiment station. BOgor. PR 083 was used. There were 4 levels of NPK aoolication after harvest (0, 1 x, 2x. 3xl. Each level was 25 9 Urea, 25 9 nip and 25 9 KCI per Ha. The plot's size ... -
Berita Redaksi
(1980) -
Keragaman Resistensi Terhadap Penyakit Layu Bakteri (Pseudomonas Solanacearum) Pada Tomat
(1980)VARIATION IN BACTERIAL WILT (Pseudomonas solanacaarum) RESISTANCE IN TOMATOES. Crosses and back-crosses were made between tomato lines resistant and susceptible to bacterial witt (Pseudomonas solan_arum) under field ... -
Pengaruh Frekuensi Pemetikan Daun Muda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Ubikayu
(1980)In general infrequent harvesting of young leaf had no signifivicant influence of the growth of cassaba, except at 6 months old, 4 times harvesting reduced LAR (Leaf Area Ratiol. The frequency of 5 and 6 times harvesting ... -
Pengaruh Waktu Panen Terhadap Mutu Dan Hasil Minyak Papermint (Mentha Piperita L)
(1980)Thirteen harvests were carried out from January 3 to March 28, 1979. and followed by gas liquid chromatographic analysis of the oil. The best yield of high quality was obtained when the crop was harvested in the period ... -
Pengaruh Frekuensi Pemetikan Daun Muda Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Ubikayu
(1980)In general infrequent harvesting of young leaf had no signifivicant influence of the growth of cassava, except at 6 months old, 4 times harvesting reduced LAR (Leaf Area Ratiol. The frequency of 5 and 6 times harvesting ... -
Studi Kerapatan Tanaman Ubikayu (Manihot Esculenta Crantz) Dengan Sistim Fan Design
(1980)In general, in all treatments the Leaf Area Index (LAO increased up to 5 months and decreased after that. Increasing in spacing resulted increased yields, shown by regression equations Y1 = 1.06 + (1.1979) (10-4) X and Y2 ... -
The Effect On Growth And Yield Of Cassava Plants By Interplanting Wingbean On Different Planting Date
(1980)A field trial was conducted near Bogor (November 1979 -July 1979) to study the effect of different planting date of wing bean intercropped to cassava, to chose the right time to get highest yield of both cassava and wing ... -
Keragaman Dalam Berbagai Komponen Hasil Kacang Buncis Dan Kacang Jogo (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.)
(1980)Eight varietes of snap bean had been used in this experiment, namely Lokal Garut, hawaiin Wonder, Surakarta, Processor, Manoa Wonder, Hawkesbury, Rich Green and Contender. There were 2 types of growth noted, the dwarf -and ... -
Buletin Agronomi