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dc.contributor.advisorSyukur, Muhamad
dc.contributor.advisorRitonga, Arya Widura
dc.contributor.authorAmalia, Husnil
dc.description.abstractPaprika (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman cabai unggulan hortikultura bernilai ekonomi tinggi. Produksi paprika di Indonesia belum dapat memenuhi permintaan pasar yang tinggi. Pemuliaan tanaman paprika perlu terus dilakukan untuk dapat menghasilkan varietas unggul paprika berdaya hasil tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi keragaan dan daya hasil delapan genotipe paprika non hibrida IPB dengan dua varietas komersial sebagai pembanding. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada November 2023 hingga Juli 2024 di rumah kaca CV Benih Dramaga dan Laboratorium Pemuliaan Tanaman Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura IPB. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak (RKLT) faktor tunggal dengan tiga ulangan. Bahan tanam yang digunakan terdiri dari delapan genotipe paprika non hibrida IPB dan dua varietas komersial sebagai pembanding. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan keragaan dan daya hasil antar genotipe paprika non hibrida IPB. Perlakuan genotipe paprika berpengaruh nyata terhadap seluruh karakter yang diamati kecuali persentase tanaman hidup, persentase tanaman terserang layu bakteri, dan potensi hasil. Umur panen pada delapan genotipe uji paprika berkisar antara 54,00 sampai 96,33 hari setelah tanam (HST). Daya simpan antar genotipe uji pada suhu ruang juga berbeda-beda yaitu berkisar antara 12,00 sampai 17,00 hari setelah panen (HSP). Genotipe F6.374378-3-1-6-3 memiliki bobot buah dan bobot buah layak pasar paling tinggi mencapai 323,38 g per tanaman serta persentase serangan antraknosa paling kecil. Genotipe F7.356005-5-46-1-3-4 memiliki potensi hasil tertinggi mencapai 872,63 g per tanaman. Genotipe F6.374378-3-1-6-3 dan F6.374378-1-8-1-1 memiliki rasa buah yang pedas dan padatan terlarut total tertinggi mencapai 12,47-13,00 °Brix. Terdapat perbedaan karakter kualitatif antara genotipe uji dan varietas pembanding kecuali karakter bentuk batang, bentuk bunga, bentuk biji, dan warna biji.
dc.description.abstractPaprika (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) is one of the leading horticultural chili crops with high economic value. The production of paprika in Indonesia has not been able to meet the high market demand. Breeding of paprika plants needs to be carried out continuously to produce high-yielding paprika varieties. This study aims to evaluate the performance and yield power of eight IPB non-hybrid bell pepper genotypes with two commercial varieties as comparisons. The research had been conducted from November 2023 to July 2024 at CV Benih Dramaga greenhouse and the Plant Breeding Laboratory of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture IPB. This study used a single-factor Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The planting material used consisted of eight genotypes of IPB non-hybrid peppers and two commercial varieties as a comparison. The results showed that there were differences in performance and yield power between genotypes of IPB non-hybrid peppers. The treatment of paprika genotypes had a significant effect on all observed characters except for the percentage of living plants, the percentage of plants attacked by bacterial wilt, and yield potential. The harvesting age of the eight bell pepper test genotypes ranged from 54.00 to 96.33 days after planting (DAP). Storability among the test genotypes at room temperature also varied, ranging from 12.00 to 17.00 days after harvest (HSP). Genotype F6.374378-3-1-6-3 had the highest fruit weight and marketable fruit weight, reaching 323.38 g per plant, and the smallest percentage of anthracnose attack. Genotype F7.356005-5-46-1-3-4 had the highest yield potential, reaching 872.63 g per plant. Genotypes F6.374378-3-1-63 and F6.374378-1-8-1-1 had a spicy fruit flavor and the highest total soluble solids, reaching 12.47-13.00 °Brix. There were differences in qualitative characters between the test genotypes and comparison varieties, except for stem shape, flower shape, seed shape, and seed color.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Keragaan dan Daya Hasil Beberapa Genotipe Non Hibrida Paprika (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) IPB di Dataran Rendahid
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of the Performance and Yield of Some Non Hybrid Genotypes of Paprika (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) IPB in The Lowlands
dc.subject.keywordDaya simpanid
dc.subject.keywordtotal padatan terlarutid
dc.subject.keywordvarietas unggulid

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