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dc.contributor.advisorManalu, Doni Sahat Tua
dc.contributor.authorTRIYONO, EKO
dc.description.abstractSalah satu bentuk nyata dari penerapan ilmu pertanian yang berbasis teknologi terkini dan merupakan konsep zero waste dan konsep tersebut diterapkan di CV. Pendawa Kencana Multifarm, pemanfaatan limbah peternakan tersebut sebagai pupuk organik padat diberi nama produk Pupuk Compossap. Adanya teknologi mesin penggiling dapat mempercepat proses produksi Pupuk Compossap. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengidentifikasi produk olahan Pupuk Compossap berdasarkan aspek nonfinansial dan menganalisis nilai tambah. Metode yang digunakan meliputi analisis deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif meliputi nilai tambah. Hasil identifikasi berdasarkan aspek non finansial didapatkan operasional produksi Pupuk Compossap sudah sesuai penjadwal yang sudah diatur, sekali produksi membutuhkan waktu 14 hari dengan tenaga kerja tiga orang. Pengolahan Pupuk Compossap memiliki potensi menguntungkan CV Pendawa Kencana Multifarm hal ini dapat diketahui dari hasil analisis R/C ratio sebesar 1,3 yang menunjukkan pendapatan melebihi total biaya. Nilai tambah yang diperoleh dari proses pengolahan Pupuk Compossap sebesar Rp407,00 per satu kilogram penggunaan bahan baku dari nilai produk per unit bahan baku dan keuntungan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan produksi Pupuk Compossap sebesar Rp407,00/kg atau sebesar 41%.
dc.description.abstractOne real form of application of agricultural science based on the latest technology is the zero waste concept and this concept is applied at CV. Pendawa Kencana Multifarm, the use of livestock waste as solid organic fertilizer is named the product Pupuk Compossap. The existence of grinding machine technology can speed up the Compossap Fertilizer production process. The research objective is to identify processed Compossap Fertilizer products based on non-financial aspects and analyze the added value. The methods used include qualitative descriptive analysis and quantitative descriptive analysis including added value. The results of the identification based on non-financial aspects showed that the production operations of Compossap Fertilizer were in accordance with the schedule that had been set, one production took 14 days with a workforce of three people. Compossap Fertilizer Processing has the potential to benefit CV Pendawa Kencana Multifarm. This can be seen from the results of the R/C ratio analysis of 1,3 which shows that income exceeds total costs. The added value obtained from the Compossap Fertilizer processing process is IDR 407.00 per one kilogram of raw material use from the product value per unit of raw material and the profit obtained from Compossap Fertilizer production activities is IDR 407.00/kg or 41%.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenerapan Nilai Tambah Pengolahan Kotoran Ternak menjadi Pupuk Compossap pada CV Pendawa Kencana Multifarmid
dc.title.alternativeApplication of Value Added of Processing Animal Manure into Compost Fertilizer at CV Pendawa Kencana Multifarm
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordbusiness feasibilityid
dc.subject.keywordcompost fertilizerid
dc.subject.keywordvalue addedid

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