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dc.contributor.advisorPurwanto, Bagus Priyo
dc.contributor.advisorHusyairi, Khoirul Aziz
dc.contributor.authorRegula, Laviona Putri
dc.description.abstractPT Dwi Sejahtera Perkasa (DSP) merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang peternakan sapi dan domba. PT DSP memiliki permasalahan penjualannya yang masih minim, belum memfokuskan pemasaran dengan media sosial. Tujuan penelitian yaitu merumuskan ide pengembangan bisnis serta mengidentifikasi pemasaran, menganalisis pengembangan bisnis mengenai peningkatan volume penjualan dengan uji paired t-test dan mengkaji kelayakan rencana pengembangan bisnis dengan aspek finansial anggaran parsial. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Bandung pada Bulan Juli hingga Maret 2024. Analisis yang digunakan terdiri dari uji paired t-test, analisis finansial dalam parsial. Dihasilkan Nilai t hitung pada penjualan sapi -4,715 > nilai t tabel 2,571, nilai t hitung penjualan domba -3,154 > nilai t tabel 2,571, maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima, artinya ada pemanfaatan media sosial diterima. Hasil analisis finansial laba bersih sebesar Rp570.808.333,00, total biaya operational sebesar Rp959.191.667,00, setelah pengembangan bisnis, diperoleh laba bersih sebesar Rp1.000.383.333,00, dengan total biaya operational sebesar Rp1.343.216.667,00. R/C ratio meningkat 0,14 menjadi 1.74 yang artinya layak. Pengembangan bisnis menghasilkan peningkatan keuntungan sebesar Rp429.575.000,00 dari selisih keuntungan sesudah dengan sebelum.
dc.description.abstractPT Dwi Sejahtera Perkasa (DSP) is a company engaged in cattle and sheep farming. PT DSP has the problem that its sales are still minimal, they have not yet focused on marketing with social media. Aim of the research is to formulate business development ideas and identify marketing, analyze business development regarding increasing sales volume using the paired t-test and examine the feasibility of business development plans with partial budget financial aspects. This research was carried out in Bandung from July to March 2024. Analysis used consisted of a paired t-test, partial financial analysis. Resulting calculated t value for cattle sales is -4.715 > t table value 2.571, calculated t value for sheep sales -3.154 > t table value 2.571, then Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that the use of social media is accepted. Results of financial analysis resulted in a net profit of IDR 570,808,333.00, total operational costs of IDR 959,191,667.00, after business development, a net profit of IDR 1,000,383,333.00 was obtained, with total operational costs of IDR 1,343,216,667.00. The R/C ratio increased by 0.14 to 1.74, which means it is feasible. Business development resulted in an increase in profits of IDR 429,575,000.00 from the difference in profits after and before.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStrategi Peningkatan Volume Penjualan Sapi dan Domba Melalui Pemanfaatan Media Sosial di PT Dwi Sejahtera Perkasa Bandungid
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keyworduji paired t-testid
dc.subject.keywordpaired t-testid

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