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dc.contributor.advisorMarwiyah, Siti
dc.contributor.advisorSutjahjo, Surjono Hadi
dc.contributor.authorZhahirah, Saffanah Silmi
dc.description.abstractKacang hijau (Vigna radiata L.) merupakan tanaman legum urutan ketiga terpenting di Indonesia. Kecambah kacang hijau (taoge) memiliki protein tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi karakter agronomi dan potensi taoge galur kacang hijau IPB yang ditanam di lahan kering dan lahan sawah serta mempelajari pengaruh faktor interaksi genotipe dan lingkungan terhadap karakter agronomi dan potensi taoge. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2023 sampai Februari 2024 di Kebun Percobaan Leuwikopo, Kebun Percobaan Sawah Baru IPB dan Laboratorium Pemuliaan Tanaman, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura. Penelitian ini menguji 12 galur kacang hijau IPB dan dua varietas nasional (Vima 5 dan Vimil 1), menggunakan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak pola tersarang dengan dua faktor, faktor pertama galur kacang hijau dan faktor kedua lingkungan (lahan kering dan sawah). Masing-masing faktor terdiri atas tiga ulangan sehingga terdapat 84 satuan percobaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakter yang memiliki ragam galat tidak berbeda nyata yaitu panjang infloresens, bobot 100 butir biji, bobot basah per taoge, dan bobot basah taoge per 100 g biji. Lingkungan penanaman kacang hijau yaitu lahan kering dan sawah tidak berbeda nyata pada karakter panjang infloresens dan bobot basah per taoge. Interaksi perlakuan genotipe dan lingkungan penanaman berbeda nyata pada karakter bobot 100 butir biji, bobot basah per taoge, bobot basah total taoge per 100 g biji dan tidak berbeda nyata pada karakter panjang infloresens. Genotipe F9-Lom2/129-42 dan F9-VR10/V1-29 memiliki keragaan karakter komponen hasil yang lebih baik dari genotipe lain. Genotipe F9-VR480B/-82 memiliki keragaan potensi produksi taoge yang lebih baik dari genotipe lain.
dc.description.abstractMung bean (Vigna radiata L.) are the third most important legume crop in Indonesia. Mung bean sprouts have high protein. This research aimed to evaluate the agronomic characteristics and potential of sprouts of IPB mung bean lines planted in dry land and rice fields and study the influence of genotype and environmental interaction factors on the agronomic character and potential of bean sprouts. The research was conducted from November 2023 to February 2024 at the Leuwikopo Experimental Garden, Sawah Baru IPB Experimental Garden and the Plant Breeding Laboratory, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. This study tested 12 IPB mung bean lines and two national varieties (Vima 5 and Vimil 1), using a randomized complete block design with a nested pattern with two factors, the first factor being mung bean lines and the second factor environment (dry land and rice field). Each factor consists of three replications so there are 84 experimental units. The results showed that the characters that had various errors were not significantly different are inflorescence length, weight of 100 seeds, wet weight per bean sprout, and wet weight of bean sprouts per 100 g of seed. The mung bean planting environment (dry land and rice fields) did not have a significant difference on the characteristics of inflorescence length and wet weight per bean sprout. The interaction of genotype treatment and planting environment had a significant difference on the weight of 100 seeds, wet weight per bean sprout, total wet weight of bean sprouts per 100 g of seeds and had no significant difference on the character of inflorescence length. The genotypes F9-Lom2/129-42 and F9-VR10/V1-29 had better performance of yield component characters than other genotypes. The genotype F9-VR480B/-82 has a better potential for bean sprout production than other genotypes.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEvaluasi Karakter Agronomi dan Potensi Taoge Galur Kacang Hijau IPB di Lahan Kering dan Lahan Sawahid
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of Agronomic Character and Potential of Bean Sprouts of Several IPB Mung Bean Lines IPB in Dry Land and Rice Fields
dc.subject.keywordpotensi hasilid

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