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dc.contributor.advisorSuketi, Ketty
dc.contributor.authorGladiola, Talitha
dc.description.abstractScindapsus sp. merupakan tanaman hias daun yang 30 dari 60 spesiesnya berada di Indonesia, namun sebagian besar belum teridentifikasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakter morfologi daun, mempelajari pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman, serta menganalisis hubungan kekerabatan beberapa jenis Scindapsus sp. asal Hutan Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei hingga November 2022, dengan tiga tahap pengamatan, yaitu pengamatan morfologi dan pertumbuhan di greenhouse, pengamatan histologi daun di laboratorium, dan pengamatan pasca perbanyakan. Penelitian dilakukan pada tiga jenis Scindapsus, yakni Scindapsus sp. 1 (S. pictus ‘Platinum’), Scindapsus sp. 2 (S. pictus ‘Hassk’), dan Scindapsus sp. 3 (S. argyraeus ‘Black Exotica’). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakter morfologi, anatomi, dan pertumbuhan pada setiap jenis Scindapsus. Scindapsus sp. 1 (S. pictus ‘Platinum’) memiliki keragaan yang besar. Karakter warna dan corak daun menjadi ciri pembeda utama antar jenis. Ukuran palisade dan stomata selaras dengan pertumbuhan tanaman. Hubungan kekerabatan ketiga jenis scindapsus ditunjukkan oleh hasil bagan dendrogram berdasarkan beberapa parameter. Dendrogram Scindapsus sp. dengan kekerabatan paling dekat berdasarkan karakter warna dan corak daun, warna batang, kerapatan stomata serta rasio palisade daun adalah Scindapsus sp. 1 (S. pictus ‘Platinum’) dan Scindapsus sp. 2 (S. pictus ‘Hassk’), sedangkan berdasarkan karakter pertumbuhan tanaman yaitu pertambahan ruas dan daun, ukuran batang, ruas, dan daun menunjukkan Scindapsus sp. 2 (S. pictus ‘Hassk’) lebih dekat dengan Scindapsus sp. 3 (S. argyraeus ‘Black Exotica’).
dc.description.abstractScindapsus sp. is a tropical foliage plant from the Araceae family, consisting of 60 species, 30 of which are found in Indonesia. However, most of these species have not been fully identified in terms of morphology and growth. The aim of this research is to identify leaf morphological characteristics, study plant growth and development, and analyze the phylogenetic relationships of several species of Scindapsus sp. from the Kapuas Hulu forest in West Kalimantan. The research was conducted from May to November 2022 and included three stages: morphological and growth observations in the greenhouse, histological observations in the laboratory, and post-propagation observations. The study focused on three cultivars of Scindapsus, namely Scindapsus sp. 1 (S. pictus ‘Platinum’), Scindapsus sp. 2 (S. pictus ‘Hassk’), and Scindapsus sp. 3 (S. argyraeus ‘Black Exotica’). The results showed the morphology and growth characteristics of each type of Scindapsus. The plant Scindapsus sp. 1 (S. pictus ‘Platinum’) had the largest size compared to the other cultivars. The color and pattern of the leaves were the main distinguishing features between the cultivars. The sizes of the palisade cells and stomata were compatible with the growth of the plants. The phylogenetic relationships between the cultivars were illustrated by a dendrogram chart based on several parameters. The dendrogram of Scindapsus sp. based on leaf color and pattern, stem color, stomata density, and palisade leaf ratio shows that Scindapsus sp. 1 (S. pictus ‘Platinum’) and Scindapsus sp. 2 (S. pictus ‘Hassk’) are most closely related. However, based on plant growth characteristics such as node and leaf increment, stem size, node length, and leaf size, Scindapsus sp. 2 (S. pictus ‘Hassk’) is closer to Scindapsus sp. 3 (S. argyraeus ‘Black Exotica’).
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakterisasi Morfologi, Agronomi, dan Hubungan Kekerabatan Scindapsus sp. Kalimantan Baratid
dc.title.alternativeCharacterization Morphology, Agronomy, and Phylogenetic Relationships of Scindapsus sp. from West Kalimantan

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