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dc.contributor.advisorHidayat, Agung Prayudha
dc.contributor.authorSALSABILA, SHABRINA
dc.description.abstractSHABRINA SALSABILA. Optimalisasi Defect Coating Berlubang dan Potensial dari Bahan Asal pada Tipe PYZ 23 Menggunakan Pendekatan DMAIC. Dibimbing oleh AGUNG PRAYUDHA HIDAYAT. Proses coating di PT XYZ adalah proses sekunder yang melibatkan waktu aging pada bahan asal sebelum dilakukan coating. Terdapat perhatian khusus terhadap defect coating berlubang yang terjadi selama proses coating, karena dapat berdampak secara signifikan dan dianggap sebagai masalah kritis oleh divisi Quality Assurance and Support (QAS). Divisi QAS tertarik untuk mengetahui persentase kemunculan defect coating berlubang dibandingkan dengan total roll yang diproduksi, serta potensi terbesar dari bahan asal yang dapat menyebabkan defect tersebut. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan metodelogi DMAIC hasil pengumpulan data dalam bentuk diagram pareto menunjukkan persentase 0,38% untuk jumlah defect coating berlubang. Hasil Analisis menunjukkan bahwa kondisi bahan asal, khususnya flatnesss, corrugation, dan damage, menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya defect coating berlubang. Potensi terbesar ditemukan pada bahan flatnesss sebesar 13,33%. Hasil Pengamatan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa bahan asal yang memiliki flatnesss dan corrugation dalam rentang 5 cm - 15 cm masih dapat dianggap baik untuk dilakukan proses coating. Dengan mengusulkan isi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) untuk bahan asal guna mengurangi defect coating berlubang.
dc.description.abstractSHABRINA SALSABILA. Optimalitation Hole and Potential Coating Defect From PYZ 23 Type Base Material Using the DMAIC Approach. Supervised by AGUNG PRAYUDHA HIDAYAT. The coating process at PT XYZ is a secondary process that involves aging the raw material before coating. There is special attention paid to the occurrence of pinhole coating defects during the coating process, as they can have significant impact and are considered critical issues by the Quality Assurance and Support (QAS) division. The QAS division is interested in knowing the percentage of pinhole coating defects compared to the total rolls produced, as well as the primary potential causes of these defects in the raw materials. Using the DMAIC methodology approach, the data collection results in the form of a Pareto diagram show a 0.38% percentage for the occurrence of pinhole coating defects. Analysis results indicate that the condition of the raw materials, particularly flatnesss, corrugation, and damage, are the main faktors contributing to pinhole coating defects. The highest potential is found in flatnesss at 13,33%. Field observations indicate that raw materials with flatnesss and corrugation within the range of 5 cm - 15 cm are still considered suitabel for the coating process. Proposing the content of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for raw materials is suggested to mitigate pinhole coating defects.
dc.description.abstractSHABRINA SALSABILA. Optimalisasi Defect Coating Berlubang dan Potensial dari Bahan Asal pada Tipe PYZ 23 Menggunakan Pendekatan DMAIC. Dibimbing oleh AGUNG PRAYUDHA HIDAYAT. Proses coating di PT XYZ adalah proses sekunder yang melibatkan waktu aging pada bahan asal sebelum dilakukan coating. Terdapat perhatian khusus terhadap defect coating berlubang yang terjadi selama proses coating, karena dapat berdampak secara signifikan dan dianggap sebagai masalah kritis oleh divisi Quality Assurance and Support (QAS). Divisi QAS tertarik untuk mengetahui persentase kemunculan defect coating berlubang dibandingkan dengan total roll yang diproduksi, serta potensi terbesar dari bahan asal yang dapat menyebabkan defect tersebut. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan metodelogi DMAIC hasil pengumpulan data dalam bentuk diagram pareto menunjukkan persentase 0,38% untuk jumlah defect coating berlubang. Hasil Analisis menunjukkan bahwa kondisi bahan asal, khususnya flatnesss, corrugation, dan damage, menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya defect coating berlubang. Potensi terbesar ditemukan pada bahan flatnesss sebesar 13,33%. Hasil Pengamatan lapangan menunjukkan bahwa bahan asal yang memiliki flatnesss dan corrugation dalam rentang 5 cm - 15 cm masih dapat dianggap baik untuk dilakukan proses coating. Dengan mengusulkan isi Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) untuk bahan asal guna mengurangi defect coating berlubang.
dc.description.abstractSHABRINA SALSABILA. Optimalitation Hole and Potential Coating Defect From PYZ 23 Type Base Material Using the DMAIC Approach. Supervised by AGUNG PRAYUDHA HIDAYAT. The coating process at PT XYZ is a secondary process that involves aging the raw material before coating. There is special attention paid to the occurrence of pinhole coating defects during the coating process, as they can have significant impact and are considered critical issues by the Quality Assurance and Support (QAS) division. The QAS division is interested in knowing the percentage of pinhole coating defects compared to the total rolls produced, as well as the primary potential causes of these defects in the raw materials. Using the DMAIC methodology approach, the data collection results in the form of a Pareto diagram show a 0.38% percentage for the occurrence of pinhole coating defects. Analysis results indicate that the condition of the raw materials, particularly flatnesss, corrugation, and damage, are the main faktors contributing to pinhole coating defects. The highest potential is found in flatnesss at 13,33%. Field observations indicate that raw materials with flatnesss and corrugation within the range of 5 cm - 15 cm are still considered suitabel for the coating process. Proposing the content of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for raw materials is suggested to mitigate pinhole coating defects.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleOptimalisasi Defect Coating Berlubang dan Potensial dari Bahan Asal pada Tipe PYZ 23 Menggunakan Pendekatan DMAICid
dc.title.alternativeOptimalitation Hole and Potential Coating Defect From PYZ 23 Type Base Material Using the DMAIC Approach
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keyworddiagram paretoid
dc.subject.keywordMetode DMAICid
dc.subject.keywordStandard Operating Procedure (SOP)id
dc.subject.keywordProses coatingid

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