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dc.contributor.advisorYusfiandayani, Roza
dc.contributor.authorMahendra, Muhammad Dzaki Ihza
dc.description.abstractArmada kapal cast net terus bertambah di PPS Nizam Zachman Jakarta (PPSNZJ) karena banyak pengusaha cumi-cumi pemula yang baru terjun bisnis perikanan cumi-cumi dan menjadi salah satu faktor bertambahnya armada disana. Sehingga menyebabkan tingginya kompetisi saing antar pengusaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi produktivitas dan kelayakan usaha cast net di PPSNZJ guna meberikan informasi untuk perencaan bisnis yang dapat digunakan oleh seseorang yang akan mencoba bisnis sektor perikanan cumi-cumi. Dilakukan melalui metode accidental sampling dengan teknik wawancara. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif untuk hasil kelayakan usaha non-finansial dan dianalisis secara kuantitatif untuk produktivitas dan kelayakan usaha finansial. Sampel meliputi kapal cast net berukuran 20-30 GT, 31-50 GT, dan 51-100 GT. Hasilnya kelayakan usaha perikanan cast net menunjukkan bahwa kapal dengan ukuran 31-50 GT dan 51-100 GT termasuk kategori finansial layak usaha, sedangkan untuk ukuran 20-30 GT termasuk kategori finansial tidak layak
dc.description.abstractThe fleet of cast net vessels continues to grow at PPS Nizam Zachman Jakarta (PPSNZJ) because there are many new squid entrepreneurs who have just entered the squid fisheries business and are one of the factors for the increase in the fleet there. This has led to high competition among entrepreneurs. This study aims to evaluate the productivity and feasibility of the cast net business at PPSNZJ in order to provide information for business planning that can be used by someone who will try the squid fishery sector business. Conducted through accidental sampling method with interview technique. Data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively for non-financial business feasibility results and quantitatively analyzed for productivity and financial business feasibility. Samples included cast net vessels of 20-30 GT, 31-50 GT, and 51-100 GT. The results of cast net fishery business feasibility showed that vessels of 31-50 GT and 51-100 GT were categorized as financially viable, while those of 20-30 GT were categorized as financially
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKelayakan Usaha Perikanan Cast net di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nizam Zachman
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness feasibilityid
dc.subject.keywordcast netid
dc.subject.keywordNizam Zachman Ocean Fishing Port Jakartaid

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