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dc.contributor.advisorMulatsih, Sri
dc.contributor.authorExsanti, Ayu Aprilia Putri
dc.description.abstractIndonesia merupakan negara pengekspor produk kelapa sawit terbesar dalam bentuk Refined Palm Oil (RPO) di dunia. Namun, sepanjang tahun 2013-2022 nilai ekspor RPO Indonesia cenderung berfluktuasi. RPO Indonesia merupakan salah satu komoditas yang terkena pemberlakuan hambatan non tarif atau Non Tariff Measures (NTMs) oleh negara tujuan ekspornya berupa kebijakan Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) dan Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT). Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis daya saing dan dinamika ekspor RPO Indonesia serta dampak pemberlakuan NTMs terhadap ekspor RPO Indonesia ke negara tujuan utama pada tahun 2013-2022. Metode analisis secara deskriptif dengan pendekatan inventory dan kuantitatif dengan metode Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), X-Model, dan regresi data panel. Hasil analisis menunjukkan RPO Indonesia berdaya saing kuat dan sebagian besar negara tujuan ekspor pasarnya pada kondisi rising star. Hasil pendekatan inventory menunjukkan Uni Emirat Arab adalah negara yang paling sering menerapkan dan menunjukkan cakupan tertinggi kebijakan SPS. Sementara negara yang paling sering menerapkan dan menunjukkan cakupan tertinggi kebijakan TBT adalah Afrika Selatan. Hasil estimasi regresi data panel menunjukkan kebijakan SPS dan TBT berpengaruh negatif terhadap nilai ekspor RPO Indonesia. Faktor-faktor lain yang berpengaruh terhadap RPO Indonesia adalah GDP per kapita negara tujuan, nilai ekspor, jarak ekonomi, dan nilai RCA.
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is the world's largest exporter of palm oil products in the form of Refined Palm Oil (RPO). However, throughout 2013-2022, the value of Indonesia's RPO exports tended to fluctuate. Indonesian RPO is one of the commodities subject to Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) imposed by its export destination countries, including Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) policies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the competitiveness and export dynamics of Indonesian RPO as well as the impact of NTMs on Indonesian RPO exports to main destination countries from 2013-2022. The analysis method are descriptive using inventory approach and quantitative methods using Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Export Product Dynamic (EPD), X-Model, and panel data regression. The analysis results indicate that Indonesian RPO has strong competitiveness, and most of the export destination markets are in a rising star conditions. The inventory approach results show that the United Arab Emirates is the country that most frequently applies and shows the highest coverage of SPS policies. Meanwhile, the country that most frequently applies and shows the highest coverage of TBT policies is South Africa. Panel data regression estimates indicate that SPS and TBT policies negatively affect the value of Indonesia's RPO exports. Other factors affecting Indonesian RPO are GDP per capita of main destination countries, export value, economic distance, and RCA value.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Daya Saing dan Dampak Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) pada Ekspor Refined Palm Oil Indonesia di Negara Tujuan Utamaid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis Competitiveness and Impact of Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) of Indonesian Refined Palm Oil Exports to Main Destination Countries
dc.subject.keywordpanel data regressionid
dc.subject.keywordrefined palm oilid
dc.subject.keywordNon-tariff measuresid

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