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dc.contributor.advisorKurniawan, Fariz Am
dc.contributor.advisorLestari, Fitriani Eka Puji
dc.contributor.authorGymnastiar, Muhamad Raihan Putra Rindra
dc.description.abstractKenaikan harga ternak ruminansia besar dan kecil saat momen idul adha menjadikan momen tersebut panen raya bagi para peternak. Usaha penggemukan sapi kurban menjadi usaha popular setiap tahunnya. Tujuan dari proyek akhir ini untuk menambah ilmu, pengalaman usaha dan dapat mengaplikasikan ilmu pengetahuan serta kompetensi. Metode pelaksanaan yang digunakan adalah pengambilan data primer dan sekunder. Analisis data diolah secara kualitatif dan deskriptif. Bangsa sapi yang dipelihara yaitu sapi Pegon dan sapi persilangan Limousin sebanyak 4 ekor dengan rataan bobot awal sebesar 218 kg. Aspek pemeliharaan di Zilenial Farm meliputi persiapan kandang, penanganan sapi baru datang, penggemukan dan performa. Performa menunjukan hasil rataan Pertambahan Bobot Badan Harian senilai 0.97/kg/ekor. Total biaya tetap Rp. 930.000, total biaya variabel Rp. 98.056.060, total biaya produksi Rp. 98.986.060, biaya perekor/hari sebesar Rp. 40.665. Hasil yang diperoleh pada proyek pengelolaan usaha ini meliputi penerimaan Rp. 114.000.000, pendapatan Rp. 2.144.848/bulan, BEP harga Rp. 24.746.515 dan R/C 1.15.
dc.description.abstractThe increases prices of large and small ruminant on eid al adha moment makes it a harvest season for farmers. The business of fattening sacrificial cattle has become popular every year. The purpose of this final project was to enhance knowledge, get business experience, apply the knowledge and competencies. The implementation method used are the collection of primary and secondary data. Data analysis was processed qualitatively and descriptively. The cattle of breeds raised are pegon and limousin cross, total 4 head with 218 kg average of initial weight. Aspect of care at zilenial farm are prepare the pens, handling cattle newly arrived, fattening and performance. The performance shows an Average Daily Gain of 0.97/kg/head. Total fixed costs amount to Rp. 930,000, total variable costs Rp. 98,056,060, total production costs Rp. 98,986,060 and the cost a head/day is Rp. 40,665. The results obtained from manage this business project include revenue of Rp. 114,000,000, monthly income of Rp. 2.144.848, a Break-Even Point (BEP) price of Rp. 24,746,515 and R/C ratio of 1.15.
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengelolaan Usaha Penggemukan Sapi Potong di Zilenial Farm Kota Bandung Jawa Baratid
dc.title.alternativeFattening Business Management of Beef Cattle in Zilenial Farm Bandung City West Java.
dc.typeTugas Akhir

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