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dc.contributor.advisorPurwanto, Moh. Yanuar Jarwadi
dc.contributor.advisorPutra, Heriansyah
dc.contributor.authorZhafran, Muhammad Naufal
dc.description.abstractKecamatan Pamijahan menjadi salah satu kecamatan dengan kejadian longsor terbanyak di Kabupaten Bogor. Selama tahun 2018-2022 telah terjadi 148 kejadian longsor di kecamatan ini. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk mengakibatkan bertambahnya jumlah lahan yang digunakan sebagai permukimansehingga kawasan hunian tersebut akan terus berkembang dan menyebar hingga mencapai wilayah-wilayah marginal yang tidak selayaknya dihuni. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui tingkat kerawanan longsor Kec. Pamijahan terdiri dari 48.64% kerawanan longsor sedang, 44.92% kerawanan rendah, dan 6.44% kerawanan tinggi. Hasil evaluasi kelayakan sebaran permukiman Kec. Pamijahan menunjukkan bahwa 86.17% permukiman layak dijadikan sebagai permukiman, 12.25% dibolehkan bersyarat, dan 1.6% dinyatakan tidak layak berdasarkan parameter kemiringan lereng dan tingkat kerawanan longsor. Pengendalian pembangunan dan pengembalian fungsi kawasan lindung perlu dilakukan sebagai upaya
dc.description.abstractPamijahan District is one of the districts with the highest number of landslide occurrences in Bogor Regency. During the period of 2018-2022, there were 148 landslide events in this district. The increase in population has resulted in the expansion of land used for settlements, causing residential areas to continue to grow and spread to marginal areas that are not suitable for habitation. Based on the research results, it is known that the landslide vulnerability level in Pamijahan District consists of 48.64% moderate vulnerability, 44.92% low vulnerability, and 6.44% high vulnerability. The evaluation results of the suitability of settlement distribution in Pamijahan District show that 86.17% of settlements are suitable for habitation, 12.25% are conditionally allowed, and 1.6% are deemed unsuitable based on slope inclination and landslide vulnerability parameters. Control of development and restoration of protected area functions need to be carried out as mitigation effortsid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Sebaran Permukiman terhadap Wilayah Kerawanan Longsor di Kecamatan Pamijahan Kabupaten Bogorid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Settlement Distribution on Landslide Vulnerability Areas in Pamijahan District, Bogor Regencyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordLandslide vulnerabilityid
dc.subject.keywordslope inclinationid
dc.subject.keywordsettlement distributionid

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