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dc.contributor.advisorMubarik, Nisa Rachmania
dc.contributor.advisorPriyanto, Jepri Agung
dc.contributor.authorNingsih, Dustirahayu Hermawati
dc.description.abstractPupuk hayati merupakan pupuk yang mengandung mikrob hidup yang dapat membantu penyediaan unsur hara yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji formula pupuk hayati yang berisi konsorsium bakteri non-aktinomiset, cendawan, dan aktinomiset terpilih dengan bahan pembawa cair, berdasarkan kestabilan viabilitas sel mikrob, dan aplikasinya pada tanaman jagung. Uji efektivitas terhadap tanaman jagung dilakukan di rumah kaca menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok satu faktor antara kombinasi dosis pupuk N, P, K dan pupuk hayati dengan tiga ulangan. Isolat yang digunakan yaitu Bacillus thuringiensis SAHA 12.12, Lactobacillus plantarum IN05, Rhizobium sp. R1KG, Sacharomyces cerevisiae L1, Streptomyces sp. A4J, dan Trichoderma sp. T2J yang dikonsorsiumkan dengan bahan pembawa cair. Formula pupuk hayati disimpan selama 8 minggu dan dilakukan uji viabilitas setiap satu bulan selama penyimpanan. Hasil uji menunjukkan viabilitas mikrob menurun setelah disimpan selama delapan minggu dan penurunan paling tinggi pada Streptomyces sp. Aplikasi formula konsorsium pupuk hayati memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap panjang akar, diameter batang, bobot kering tajuk, bobot tongkol berkelobot, dan bobot biji tongkol. Pemberian formulasi konsorsium hayati kombinasi perlakuan P1M2 (kombinasi 50% pupuk N, P, K dan 100% formulasi pupuk hayati) dapat mengurangi penggunaan N, P, K sebanyak 50% dari dosis
dc.description.abstractBiofertilizer is a fertilizer that contains live microbes that help the plants to obtain nutrients needed for growth and development. This study aimed to observe the effectiveness of a biofertilizer formula containing a consortium of selected bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes with liquid carrier materials to maize based on the stability of microbial cell viability and its application. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse using a randomized block design with one-factor which consisted of a combination of N, P, and K fertilizers and biological fertilizers with three replications. The isolates used in thus experiment were Bacillus thuringiensis SAHA 12.12, Lactobacillus plantarum IN05, Rhizobium sp. R1KG, Saccharomyces cerevisiae L1, Streptomyces sp. A4J, and Trichoderma sp. T2J which were combined as a consortium with liquid carrier material. The formula was stored during 8 weeks, and every weeks was analyzed to observed its viability. The results showed that microbial viability decreased after being stored for eight weeks and the highest decrease was shown by Streptomyces sp. The biofertilizer consortium formula applied to corn significantly influenced the growth and production, including root length, stem diameter, crown dry weight, husk cobs, and cob seed weight. Biological consortium formulations PIM2 can reduce N, P, and K application up to 50% of the recommended
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleFormulasi Konsorsium Pupuk Hayati dan Aplikasinya terhadap Tanaman Jagungid
dc.title.alternativeBiofertilizer Consortium Formulation and Its Application on Corn Plantsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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