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dc.contributor.advisorAndrianto, Dimas
dc.contributor.advisorFalah, Syamsul
dc.contributor.authorSalsabila, Nabiila
dc.description.abstractTingkat kemanisan ubi cilembu dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor salah satunya pemupukan. Pemberian pupuk kasgot dapat mempengaruhi pertumbuhan ubi cilembu sehingga diharapkan diperoleh ubi cilembu manis jika ditanam di luar daerah cilembu. Namun, belum diketahui pengaruh pemberian pupuk kasgot terhadap tingkat kemanisannya yang ditandai oleh kadar gula pereduksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur parameter proksimat yang terdiri atas kadar air, kadar abu, kadar lemak, kadar protein, kadar karbohidrat, dan kadar serat kasar serta mengukur kadar gula pereduksi ubi cilembu yang diberi pupuk kasgot. Pembuatan simplisia menggunakan metode oven, kemudian diuji proksimat dengan metode gravimetri untuk kadar air, abu dan serat kasar, metode Kjeldahl untuk kadar protein, metode soxhlet untuk kadar lemak. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan parameter proksimat selain karbohidrat dan serat, serta gula pereduksi ubi cilembu meningkat setelah pemberian pupuk kasgot. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah pemupukan kasgot meningkatkan kandungan proksimat dan kadar gula pereduksi pada tanaman ubi cilembu dengan konsentrasi pemupukan yang
dc.description.abstractThe level of sweetness of cilembu sweet potatoes is influenced by several factors, one of which is fertilization. The application of kasgot fertilizer can affect the growth of cilembu sweet potatoes so that it is expected to obtain sweet cilembu sweet potatoes if planted outside the cilembu area. However, the effect of kasgot fertilizer on the level of sweetness, which is characterized by reducing sugar content, is not yet known. This study aim to measure proximate parameters consisting of water content, ash content, fat content, protein content, carbohydrate content, and crude fiber content and measure the reducing sugar content of cilembu sweet potato treated with kasgot fertilizer. Making simplisia using the oven method, then tested proximate by gravimetric method for water content, ash and crude fiber, Kjeldahl method for protein content, soxhlet method for fat content. The results obtained showed that proximate parameters other than carbohydrates and fiber, and reducing sugars of cilembu sweet potatoes increased after applying kasgot fertilizer. The conclusion of this study show that kasgot fertilization increases proximate content and reducing sugar content in cilembu sweet potato plants with the appropriate fertilization
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleParameter Pertumbuhan, Proksimat, dan Kadar Gula Pereduksi Ubi Jalar (Ipomoea batatas L) Cilembu dengan Pemupukan Maggot (Black Soldier Fly)id
dc.title.alternativeGrowth Parameters, Proximate, and Reducing Sugar Content of Cilembu Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L) with Maggot (Black Soldier Fly)
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcilembu sweet potatoid
dc.subject.keywordkasgot fertilizerid
dc.subject.keywordproximate analysisid
dc.subject.keywordreducing sugarid

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