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dc.contributor.advisorDarmawan, Noviyan
dc.contributor.advisorApriliyanto, Yusuf Bramastya
dc.contributor.authorMumtaz, Jauhar
dc.description.abstractKompleks ion zwitter bolaamfifilik Ir(dfppy)2(pytz-s-SO3) atau IZB Ir, yang telah disintesis dalam penelitian sebelumnya, telah dikarakterisasi untuk memahami sifat fotofisiknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji sifat fotofisik kompleks IZB Ir berdasarkan transisi elektronik secara komputasi, menggunakan metode time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) dengan fungsional hibrida B3LYP dan basis set def2. Hasil optimasi geometri DFT menunjukan rentang panjang ikatan Ir-C dan Ir-N sebesar 2,010-2,016 Å dan 2,063-2,205 Å, dengan sudut C^N dan N^N masing-masing sebesar 80,5˚ dan 76,0˚. Posisi HOMO terletak pada Ir dan dfppy, sedangkan LUMO terpusat pada pytz. Transisi elektronik keadaan eksitasi didominasi oleh 1MLCT (dIr → π*pytz) dan 1LLCT (πdfppy → π*pytz) pada panjang gelombang 281,624 nm. Celah energi IZB Ir dalam fase non-polar dan polar masing-masing sebesar 3,800 dan 3,922 eV. Prediksi emisi IZB Ir didominasi transisi fluoresensi (S2 → S0) dan fosforesensi (T1 → S0)
dc.description.abstractThe bolaamphiphilic zwitterion complex Ir(dfppy)2(pytz-s-SO3), referred to as IZB Ir and previously synthesized, has undergone characterization concerning its photophysical properties. This research is aimed at computationally examining the photophysical properties of the IZB Ir complex, focusing on electronic transitions, using the time-dependent density functional theory (TD-DFT) method with the B3LYP hybrid functional and the def2 basis set. The results of DFT geometry optimization obtained a range of Ir-C and Ir-N bond lengths are 2,010-2,016 Å and 2,063-2,205 Å, with C^N and N^N angles of 80,5˚ and 76,0˚, respectively. The HOMO position is located on Ir and dfppy, while LUMO is centered on pytz. The excited state electronic transition is primarily dominated by 1MLCT (dIr → π*pytz) dan 1LLCT (πdfppy → π*pytz) at a wavelength of 281.624 nm. The IZB Ir energy gap in the non-polar and polar phases is 3,800 and 3,922 eV, respectively. The anticipated emission from IZB Ir is primarily characterized by blue fluorescence (S2 → S0) and phosphorescence (T1 → S0)
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKajian Sifat Fotofisik Kompleks Ion Zwitter Bolaamfifilik Ir(III) Menggunakan Metode Time-Dependent Density Functional Theoryid
dc.title.alternativeStudy of Photophysical Properties of Ir(III) Bolaamphiphilic Zwitterion Complex Using the Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Methodid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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