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dc.contributor.advisorBuitenzorgy, Meilanie
dc.contributor.authorZahri, Aulia Chairuz
dc.description.abstractFood waste adalah sisa makanan pada tahap konsumsi, mulai dari penyiapan bahan makanan hingga selesai konsumsi. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk berbanding lurus dengan timbulan food waste, salah satunya sisa nasi. Kelurahan Pisangan dan Rengas merupakan kawasan di Kecamatan Ciputat Timur yang merupakan daerah penghasil jumlah sampah per kapita terbesar di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Manajemen konsumsi dan pengelolaan sampah yang belum optimal menjadi permasalahan yang berdampak terhadap katahanan pangan dan capaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghitung nilai kerugian ekonomi dan lingkungan akibat food waste nasi dan (2) menganalisis strategi pengelolaan food waste nasi rumah tangga di Kelurahan Pisangan dan Rengas. Metode yang digunakan yaitu damage cost, benefit transfer, dan analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Kerugian total akibat food waste nasi rumah tangga di Kelurahan Pisangan mencapai Rp2.395.605.848/tahun dan Rengas sebesar Rp1.524.057.099/tahun. Strategi pengelolaan food waste nasi dapat diimplementasikan melalui peningkatan kualitas SDM, pengolahan untuk dikonsumsi kembali, dan pemanfaatan sebagai pakan
dc.description.abstractFood waste is the remnants of food at the consumption stage, starting from preparing food ingredients to completion of consumption. The increase in population directly correspond with the rising of food waste, one of which is rice. Pisangan and Rengas Subdistrict are part of East Ciputat District, which is the largest per capita waste producing area in South Tangerang. Consumption and waste management that have not been carried out in sustainable manner become problems that have an effect on food security and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This research aims to (1) calculate the economic value and environmental losses due to rice food waste and (2) analyze the management strategy of household’s rice food waste in Pisangan and Rengas Subdistrict. The methods used are damage cost, benefit transfer, and analytical hierarchy process (AHP). Total loss due to household rice food waste in Pisangan reached Rp2.406.323.672/year and Rengas reached Rp1.524.057.099/year. Food waste management strategies can be implemented by improving the quality of human resources, reprocessing to be consumed again, or processing waste for animal
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEstimasi Nilai Kerugian Akibat Sisa Makanan (Food Waste) Nasi Rumah Tangga (Studi Kasus: Kelurahan Pisangan dan Rengas, Kecamatan Ciputat Timur)id
dc.title.alternativeEstimated Value of Losses On Household Rice Food Waste (Case Study: Pisangan and Rengas Subdistrict, East Ciputat District)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordwaste managementid

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