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dc.contributor.advisorChozin, Muhamad Achmad
dc.contributor.advisorGuntoro, Dwi
dc.contributor.authorPrasetyo, Afif Anggun
dc.description.abstractSalah satu masalah dalam budidaya padi gogo adalah terjadinya kompetisi dengan gulma sehingga dapat menghambat pertumbuhan dan menurunkan produksi. Pengendalian gulma menggunakan herbisida pra tumbuh sintetik dapat berdampak buruk bagi ekosistem pertanian. Bioherbisida berbahan baku umbi teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) berpotensi untuk mengendalikan gulma pada tanaman padi gogo. Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh informasi tentang efektivitas bioherbisida berbahan dasar umbi teki bentuk granul dalam menekan pertumbuhan gulma dan pengaruhnya terhadap tanaman padi gogo. Percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak (RKLT) faktor tunggal dengan delapan perlakuan yaitu: tanpa penyiangan (P1), penyiangan manual sebanyak 2 kali pada 3 dan 6 MST (P2), bioherbisida formulasi granul 22,5 kg ha-1 (P3), bioherbisida formulasi granul 45 kg ha-1 (P4), bioherbisida formulasi granul 67,5 kg ha-1 (P5), bioherbisida formulasi granul 90 kg ha-1 (P6), bioherbisida formulasi larutan 67,5 kg ha-1 (P7), herbisida sintetis oksifluorfen (P8). Hasil Percobaan menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi bioherbisida berbahan baku umbi teki formulasi granul dengan dosis 22,5 – 90 kg ha-1 dan larutan 67,5 kg ha-1 sangat efektif menekan gulma golongan daun lebar spesies C. diffusa, A. sessilis, C. nodiflora, C. benghalensis, dan C. rutidosperma. Bioherbisida dengan formulasi granul dan formulasi larutan pada tingkat dosis yang diuji tidak efektif menekan gulma golongan rumput spesies R. exaltata dan gulma golongan teki spesies C. rotundus. Bioherbisida berbahan baku umbi teki tidak menyebabkan gejala fitotoksisitas pada tanaman padi gogo. Aplikasi bioherbisida berbahan baku umbi teki dengan formulasi granul dosis 90 kg ha-1 menghasilkan produksi gabah kering panen tertinggi, yakni 453,2 kg
dc.description.abstractOne of the problems in upland rice cultivation is weed competition, which can lead to stunted growth and reduced production. Weed control using synthetic pre-emergent herbicides can pose threats to agricultural ecosystems. Bioherbicides made from purple nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) are potential for weed control in upland rice. This research aims to obtain information about the effectiveness of bioherbicides made from purple nutsedge in granular formulation in suppressing weed growth and its impact on upland rice. The experiment was arranged in a single-factor Randomized Complete Group Design (RKLT) with eight treatments: no weeding (P1), manual weeding twice at 3 and 6 WAP (P2), granular bioherbicide formulation 22.5 kg ha-1 (P3), granular bioherbicide formulation 45 kg ha-1 (P4), granular bioherbicide formulation 67.5 kg ha-1 (P5), granular bioherbicide formulation 90 kg ha-1 (P6), solution bioherbicide formulation 67.5 kg ha-1 (P7), synthetic Oxyfluorfen herbicide (P8). The result of the experiment demonstrate that applying bioherbicide made from purple nutsedge in granular formulation with doses ranging from 22.5 – 90 kg ha-1 and a solution of 67.5 kg ha-1 was effectively suppressed some broadleaf weeds including C. diffusa, A. sessilis, C. nodiflora, C. benghalensis, and C. rutidosperma species. Bioherbicides with granular formulations and solution formulations with the tested dose levels were found ineffective in suppressing grass weeds R. exaltata species and sedges weeds C. rotundus species. Bioherbicides made from purple nutsedge did not induce phototoxicity symptoms in upland rice. Applying bioherbicide made from purple nutsedge in a granular formulation at a dose of 90 kg ha-1 resulted in the highest dry grain production at 453.2 kg
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEfektivitas Bioherbisida Berbahan Baku Umbi Teki (Cyperus rotundus L.) terhadap Penekanan Pertumbuhan Gulma pada Budidaya Padi Gogoid
dc.title.alternativeEffectiveness of a Bioherbicide Based on Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus rotundus L.) in Suppressing Weed Growth in Upland Rice Cultivationid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordpertanian berkelanjutanid
dc.subject.keywordpra tumbuhid
dc.subject.keywordlahan keringid

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