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dc.contributor.advisorDjuita, Nina Ratna
dc.contributor.authorHayati, Lisna
dc.description.abstractPenelitian organ reproduksi telah dilakukan terhadap beberapa jenis ganggang cokelat dan meran. Ganggang cokelat yang diperiksa termasuk famili Sargassaceae, meliputi Sargassum cristaefolium, S. echinocarpum, S. plagyophyllum, S. siliquosum, Turbinaria conoides, T. deccurens dan T. ornata. Organ reproduksi pada famili ini berupa percabangan fertil disebut reseptakel. Di dalam reseptake! terdapat konseptakel tempat organ reproduksi betina (oogonium) dan jantan (antheridium). Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa oogonium dan antheridium pada semua sampel yang diamati dapat dijumpai pada konseptakel yang sama atau berbeda, tapi masih terdapat dalam individu yang sama kecuali pada S. siliquosum oogonium dan antheridium terdapat pada individu yang berbeda. Pada ganggang merah berhasil diamati organ reproduksi betina (sistokarp), jantan (spermatia) dan spora (tetraspora). Sistokarp Gigartina sp. 1, Gracilaria coronopifolia, Rhodymenia linearis dan R. palmata berupa bulatan-bulatan yang menonjol dan tersebar di permukaan talus. Sistokarp pada Laurencia intrica dan Laurencia sp. terdapat di daerah korteks, sedangkan pada Galaxaura obtusata dan G. oblongata sistokarp terletak pada bagian medula. Spermatia Chondrococcus hornemannii, L. intrica dan R. linearis tersebar di daerah korteks. Tetraspora pada Ceramium fastigiatum terletak di percabangan khusus, sedangkan tetraspora Gracilaria textorii, Gigartina sp. 2, Gracilaria sp. 1, Hypnea valentiae dan Laurencia intrica terletak di daerah korteks. Seluruh tetraspora yang diamati bertipe tetrahedral kecuali pada Gigartina sp. 2 bertipe zonat. Research on reproductive organ has been carried out on species of both brown and red algae.. Observation on the brown algae included Sargassum cristaefolium, S. echinocarpum S. plagyophyllum. S. siliquosum. Turbinaria conoides, T. deccurens and T. ornata, that belong to Sargassaceae. The reproductive organ of this family is called receptacel, i.e. fertile branches. The receptacel hold conceptacel that consists of either oogonium (female reproduction organ) or antheridium (male reproduction organ), or both. Oogonium and antheridium may be located in the same conceptacel or separated in the different one of the same individual (monoecious), except those of S. siliquosum are separated in the different individual (dioecious). Both female and male organ (called cystocarp and spermatia respectively), together with tetraspores have been observed in red algae. The cystocarps of Gigartina sp. 1, Gracilaria coronopifolia, Rhodymenia linearis and R. palmata are spherical, widespread, protruding out from thallus surface. Cystocarp of both Laurencia intrica and Laurencia sp. are located in cortex, while those of Galaxaura obtusata and G. oblongata, are located on medulla. Spermatia Chondrococcus hornemannii, Laurencia intrica and Rhodymenia linearis spread in the cortex. The tetraspores of Ceramium fastigiatum are located in a particular branch, while that of Gracilaria textorii, Gigartina sp. 2, Gracilaria sp. 1, Hypnea valentiae and Laurencia intrica are located in cortex. All of the tetraspores observed are tetrahedral, except those of Gigartina sp. 2 are
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleOrgan reproduksi beberapa jenis ganggang cokelat dan merahid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPlant reproductionid

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