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dc.contributor.advisorZaman, Sofyan
dc.contributor.advisorHariyadi, Hariyadi
dc.contributor.authorRizqullah, Rafid
dc.description.abstractKebun induk kelapa sawit merupakan kebun penghasil benih unggul kelapa sawit. Terdapat pekerjaan isolasi bunga jantan dan betina, polinasi bunga betina, panen tandan buah polinasi dan bunga jantan. Magang mempelajari pengelolaan kebun induk secara umum dan secara khusus sistem kerja yang digunakan, kapasitas panen tanda polinasi, dan pengaruh konsentrasi formaldehid terhadap viabilitas polen. Kegiatan magang dilaksanakan di Kebun Surya Adi, PT Binasawit Makmur, Ogan Komering Ilir, Sumatera Selatan berlangsung dari Februari hingga Juni 2023. Pelaksanaan magang pada tingkatan level teknisi, mandor, dan asisten. Terdapat perbedaan phytomer masing-masing bunga, sehingga umur bunga pada satu pokok pasti berbeda. Isolasi bunga dapat dilakukan satu bunga pokok-1 hari-1 untuk menghindari bunga terlewat diisolasi. Pekerjaan polinator dapat dipisah dengan pemasangan label dan jaring untuk mengurangi beban polinator saat tingkat polinasi tinggi. Perbedaan kapasitas panen pokok tinggi dan pokok pendek dapat dipisahkan melalui perbedaan premi panen. Pengamatan pengaruh formaldehid terhadap daya hidup polen menggunakan formaldehid dengan konsentrasi 1%, 4%, 6%, 10% dan kontrol 0%. Tidak ada beda nyata antar perlakuan tetapi perlakuan formaldehid membunuh semua polen (Viabilitas 0%) dibandingkan kontrol. Penggunaan formaldehid pada konsentrasi 1% sudah efektif membunuh
dc.description.abstractSeed garden is a field that produces superior oil palm seeds. The work involves isolating male and female flowers, pollinating female flowers, harvesting pollinated fruit bunches and male flowers. Interns study of management seed gardens in general and specifically the work system used, the harvesting capacity of pollination marks, and the effect of formaldehyde application on pollen viability. Internship activities were carried out at the Surya Adi Plantation, PT Binasawit Makmur, Ogan Komering Ilir, South Sumatra from February to June 2023. The internship was done at the level of technician, foreman, and assistant. There are differences in the phytomer of each flower, therefore each flowers in the tree must be indifference stage. Flower isolation can be done one flower per tree per day to avoid missed flowers being isolated. Pollinator work can be separated by labeling and netting to reduce the burden on pollinators when the pollination rate is high. The difference in harvesting capacity of tall trees and short trees can be separated through the difference in harvest premiums. Observation of the effect of formaldehyde on pollen viability using formaldehyde with concentrations of 1%, 4%, 6%, 10% and control (0%). There was no significant difference between treatments, but the formaldehyde treatment killed all pollen (0% viability) compared to the control. The use of formaldehyde at a concentration of 1% is effective in killing
dc.description.sponsorshipPT Sampoerna Agro Tbkid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Pengelolaan Kebun Induk Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) di Kebun Surya Adi PT Binasawit Makmur, Sumatera Selatanid
dc.title.alternativeManagement Analysis of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Seed Garden at Surya Adi Plantation PT Binasawit Makmur South Sumatraid
dc.title.alternativeManagement Analysis of Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Seed Garden at Surya Adi Plantation PT Binasawit Makmur, South
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPalm Oilid
dc.subject.keywordPalm Oil Pollenid
dc.subject.keywordPalm Oil Seedid
dc.subject.keywordSeed Gardenid

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