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dc.contributor.advisorNurani, Tri Wiji
dc.contributor.advisorWisudo, Sugeng Hari
dc.contributor.authorHakim, Ahmad Rendra Lukman
dc.description.abstractPerairan Kebumen merupakan daerah pesisir di Selatan Jawa Tengah dengan komoditas utama yaitu ikan bawal putih. Ikan bawal putih (Pampus argenteus) merupakan salah satu komoditas ekspor dan termasuk ke dalam kategori ikan ekonomis penting di Indonesia. Potensi bawal putih di PPI Pasir belum dapat dimaksimalkan untuk memenuhi perekonomian nelayan dikarenakan adanya permasalahan modal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kegiatan usaha dan menghitung kelayakan usaha perikanan bawal putih di PPI Pasir, mengidentifikasi pola pembiayaan usaha pada masyarakat nelayan ikan bawal putih, dan merumuskan strategi pembiayaan usaha perikanan tangkap ikan bawal putih. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara dan observasi lapang serta pengumpulan data dari instansi/lembaga terkait. Penentuan responden penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 16 nelayan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usaha perikanan bawal putih di PPI Pasir menggunakan kapal berukuran 1 GT dengan alat tangkap gillnet dengan ukuran mata jaring sebesar 4,5-6,5 inci. Analisis kelayakan usaha didapatkan nilai keuntungan sebesar Rp2.658.720,00, dan R/C Ratio sebesar 1,03. Kelayakan usaha bawal putih di PPI Pasir layak untuk dilanjutkan. Terdapat tiga pola pembiayaan usaha nelayan di PPI Pasir yaitu pembiayaan modal supplier operasi, modal perbankan, dan modal lembaga nonformal. Modal lembaga nonformal merupakan modal terbaik dari semua sumber pembiayaan
dc.description.abstractThe coastal waters of Kebumen are a coastal area in South Central Java, that has been known-well for its primary commodity, the white pomfret fish (Pampus argenteus). The white pomfret is one of the export commodities and is considered an important economically valuable fish in Indonesia. However, the potential of white pomfret in PPI Pasir has not been fully maximized to support the livelihood of fishermen due to capital-related issues. The objective of this research is to describe the fishing activities and the business feasibility of the white pomfret fishery in PPI Pasir. Additionally, it aims to identify the financing behaviour and source used by the white pomfret fishermen community and formulate financial strategies of the white pomfret fishing business. Data collection was conducted through interviews, field observations, and data gathered from relevant institutions. The respondents for this research were selected through purposive sampling, with a total sample size of 16 fishermen. The results of the research indicates that the white pomfret fishery in PPI Pasir utilizes 1 GT-sized boat with gillnet fishing gear featuring a mesh size of 4.5 to 6.5 inches. The business feasibility analysis showed a profit value of Rp2,658,720.00 and an R/C Ratio of 1.03, indicating that the white pomfret business in PPI Pasir is economically viable and worth continuing. Three financing sources were identified among the fishermen in PPI Pasir: the operational based financing, bank capital financing, and non-formal institution financing. The non-formal institution capital was found to be the most beneficial source of financing for the capture fisheries business in Kebumenid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleStrategi Pembiayaan Usaha Perikanan Tangkap Ikan Bawal Putih yang Berbasis di Pangkalan Pendaratan Ikan Pasir Kebumenid
dc.title.alternativeThe Financing Strategy for White Pomfret Capture Fisheries Business Based in the Fish Landing Base of Pasir Kebumenid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordbawal putihid
dc.subject.keywordkelayakan usahaid
dc.subject.keywordpembiayaan usahaid
dc.subject.keywordPPI Pasirid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness feasibilityid
dc.subject.keywordbusiness financingid
dc.subject.keywordwhite pomfretid

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