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dc.contributor.advisorHubeis, Musa
dc.contributor.advisorSarma, Ma'mun
dc.contributor.authorWibowo, Susilo
dc.description.abstractPT. Smartfren Telecom, Tbk dengan program corporate social responsibility (CSR) perusahaan telah membentuk sebuah forum bernama Teman Kreasi. Program CSR ini memiliki misi untuk mengembangkan semangat co-creation dan social entrepreneurship bagi generasi muda, serta membuka peluang tumbuhnya UMKM kreatif di berbagai wilayah Komunitas Smartfren berada. Teman Kreasi Smartfren sudah berjalan tujuh tahun. Teman Kreasi Smartfren telah menjangkau 52 kota di Indonesia. saat ini sudah berjumlah 1.085 UMKM di mana 70 persen berada di pulau Jawa, Sumatera, Sulawesi, dan Kalimantan. Penelitian ini dilakukan guna melihat manfaat yang dirasakan UMKM binaan dan memberikan masukan bagi kegiatan ke depan. secara umum serta mengevaluasi pelatihan digitalisasi yang dilakukan oleh program Teman Kreasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) dan pendekatan Training Need Assessment (TNA) untuk mendapatkan perbaikan strategi dan memberikan masukan bagi perusahaan untuk pelatihan selanjutnya, sehingga pelatihan dapat menjadi program unggulan. Kegiatan pelatihan digital UMKM binaan Teman Kreasi Smartfren, sudah sangat baik dan cukup dipertahankan. Selain itu adanya perbedaan signifikan bagi UMKM sebelum dan sesudah mendapatkan pelatihan , yaitu peningkatan penjualan dan adanya perubahan dari penjualan secara konvensional menjadi penjualan digital melalu marketplace guna memperluas jangkauan penjualan, menjalin Kerjasama dengan para influencer untuk memberikan dampak promosi langsung bagi pengguna social
dc.description.abstractPT. Smartfren Telecom, Tbk with its corporate social responsibility (CSR) program has established a forum called "Teman Kreasi". Teman Kreasi Smartfren has been running for seven years. This CSR program has a mission to develop a spirit of co-creation and social entrepreneurship for the younger generation, as well as to open opportunities for the growth of creative MSMEs in various areas. The Smartfren Community is located. and has reached 52 cities in Indonesia. Currently, there are 1,085 SMEs, whereas 70% of which are located in Java, Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Kalimantan.This research was conducted to examine the benefits experienced by the mentored SMEs, as well as to provide input for future activities. Generally, the research was conducted to evaluate the digitalization training provided by the Teman Kreasi program. The Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats (SWOT) method, Analytic Hierarchy Process, and Training Need Assessment (TNA ) approach were used to obtain strategic improvements and provide feedback for future training programs. The evaluation of the digital training activities of the mentored SMEs by Teman Kreasi Smartfren concluded that the training was very good and should be continued. Furthermore, there was a significant difference in the sales of the SMEs before and after receiving the training. The training led to an increase in sales and a shift from conventional sales to digital sales through marketplaces to expand sales coverage. Additionally, collaborating with influencers was found to be effective in providing direct promotion impact on social media
dc.publisherIPB UNIVERSITYid
dc.titleKajian pelatihan digitalisasi pada UMKM binaan melalui program Teman Kreasi PT Smartfren Telecom.Tbkid
dc.title.alternativeStudy of digitalization training on assisted MSMEs by ‘ Teman Kreasi’ program PT. Smartfren Telecom. Tbkid
dc.subject.keywordAHP, pascapandemi Covid-19, CSR, UMKM, Teman Kreasi, PT. Smartfren Telecom,Tbkid

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