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dc.contributor.advisorSoebrata, Betty Marita
dc.contributor.advisorMulijani, Sri
dc.contributor.authorNasir, Harissandi Muhammad
dc.description.abstractDaun suji dan pandan diketahui mengandung molekul pewarna yang dapat dideposisikan pada fotoanode, tetapi pengaruh teknik deposisi ini terhadap kinerja dye-sinthesized solar cell (DSSC) belum dikaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan merakit DSSC menggunakan pemeka cahaya dari pewarna daun suji (Dracaena angustifolia) dan pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius), serta mengkaji pengaruh teknik pendeposisian pewarna terhadap efisiensi DSSC. Daun suji dan pandan diekstraksi untuk mendapatkan zat warnanya. Elektrode kerja berbasis kaca indium tin oxide dibentuk dari zat warna yang dideposisikan ke TiO2. Teknik pendeposisian yang digunakan adalah perendaman dan pencampuran. Elektrode lawan merupakan kaca indium tin oxide yang dilapisi grafit. Larutan elektrolit tersusun dari I- /I3- dan polistirena tersulfonasi. Nilai efisiensi DSSC tertinggi dihasilkan oleh teknik deposisi pencampuran pewarna, yaitu 2,56% untuk daun suji dan 2,28% untuk daun pandan. Kajian ini mengungkap bahwa teknik pendeposisian pewarna pada pemeka berpotensi meningkatkan kinerja
dc.description.abstractThe leaves of suji and pandan are known to contain dye molecules that can be deposited on a photoanode. However, the effect of deposition techniques on dye-sinthesized solar cell (DSSC) performance has not been extensively investigated. This research aims to fabricate DSSC using a photosensitizer from suji (Dracaena angustifolia) and pandan (Pandanus amaryllifolius) leaf dyes, and to examine the impact of dye deposition techniques on DSSC efficiency. Suji and pandan leaves were extracted to obtain the dyes. Based on indium tin oxide-coated glass, the working electrode was prepared by depositing the colorants onto TiO2. The deposition technique used is immersion and mixing. The counter electrode consisted of indium tin oxide-coated glass coated with graphite. The electrolyte solution is composed of I- /I3- and sulfonated polystyrene. The highest efficiency of DSSC is obtained through the mixing deposition technique, resulting in respective efficiencies of 2,56% for suji leaf and 2,28% for pandan leaf. This study reveals that the dye deposition technique on sensitizers has the potential to increase the performance of
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKinerja Sel Surya Tersensitisasi Pewarna berdasarkan Teknik Pendeposisian Pewarna Daun Suji dan Pandanid
dc.title.alternativePerformance of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Suji and Pandan Leaf Dye Deposition Techniquesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keyworddye deposition techniquesid
dc.subject.keywordpandan leafid
dc.subject.keywordsuji leafid
dc.subject.keywordsulfonated polystyreneid

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