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dc.contributor.advisorIsmail, Ahyar
dc.contributor.advisorSapanli, Kastana
dc.contributor.authorRamdani, Iqbal
dc.description.abstractGempa bumi berkekuatan 5,6 magnitudo yang terjadi di Kabupaten Cianjur disebabkan oleh aktivitas sesar aktif pada bagian timur laut zona sesar Cimandiri. Dampak yang ditimbulkan yaitu kerusakan dan kerugian pada sektor pertanian, termasuk petani padi. Kondisi lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi petani padi juga mengalami perubahan yang harus segera dipulihkan agar dapat kembali beraktivitas normal. Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis persepsi petani padi terhadap dampak gempa bumi pada sektor pertanian, mengestimasi nilai kerugian ekonomi usaha tani padi akibat gempa bumi, serta mengidentifikasi strategi pemulihan sektor pertanian pasca-gempa bumi di Kabupaten Cianjur. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan mixed method. Analisis kuantitatif menggunakan metode change of productivity dan loss of income. Sementara itu, analisis kualitatif menggunakan model interaktif dan content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gempa bumi berdampak paling besar pada kerusakan bangunan penggilingan padi. Sementara itu, petani tidak berencana mengubah pola tanam, tidak ingin direlokasi, dan menunggu bantuan dari pemerintah. Perubahan produktivitas petani padi sawah di Kecamatan Warungkondang sebesar 1,15 ton/ha/MT. Selain itu, perubahan pendapatan usaha tani padi sawah pasca-gempa bumi di Kecamatan Warungkondang turun sebesar Rp4.016.252 atau 40,55 persen. Terdapat 11 strategi pemulihan sektor pertanian pasca-gempa bumi di Kabupaten Cianjur dengan keterlibatan 10 lembaga atau
dc.description.abstractThe 5.6 magnitude earthquake in the Cianjur Regency was caused by active fault activity in the northeastern part of the Cimandiri fault zone. The impact was damage and losses to the agricultural sector, including rice farmers. The environmental, social, and economic conditions of rice farmers also experienced changes that must be restored immediately in order to return to normal activities. The study aimed to analyze rice farmers' perceptions of the impact of the earthquake on the agricultural sector, estimate the value of economic losses to rice farming due to the earthquake, and identify strategies for post-earthquake recovery of the agricultural sector in the Cianjur Regency. The research used a mixed-method approach. Quantitative analysis used the change of productivity and loss of income methods. Meanwhile, the qualitative analysis used interactive models and content analysis. The results showed that the earthquake had the greatest impact on damage to rice mill buildings. Meanwhile, farmers do not plan to change their cropping patterns, do not want to be relocated, and are waiting for assistance from the government. Changes in productivity of rice field farmers in Warungkondang Subdistrict amounted to 1.15 tons/ha/MT. In addition, post-earthquake changes in rice field farming income in the Warungkondang sub-district decreased by IDR 4,016,252 or 40.55 percent. There are 11 strategies for post-earthquake agricultural sector recovery in the Cianjur Regency with the involvement of 10 institutions or
dc.description.sponsorshipDirektorat Riset dan Inovasi (DRI) IPB dari Program Riset Aksi Gempa Bumi Cianjurid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEstimasi Kerugian Ekonomi Petani Padi dan Strategi Pemulihan Sektor Pertanian Pasca-Gempa Bumi di Kabupaten Cianjurid
dc.title.alternativeEstimation of Economic Losses of Rice Farmers and Agricultural Sector Recovery Strategies After Earthquake in Cianjur Regencyid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordpadi sawahid
dc.subject.keywordpenilaian kerugian ekonomiid
dc.subject.keywordring of fireid
dc.subject.keywordsurat kabarid
dc.subject.keywordtanaman panganid

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