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dc.contributor.advisorFebrita, Joana
dc.contributor.authorHakim, Fadli Fauzan
dc.description.abstractIndonesia berada di iklim tropis lembab, yang menyebabkan suhu cenderung tinggi dan kecepatan angin rendah. Keadaan ini berpengaruh pada tidak tercapainya kenyamanan ruang dalam masjid. Kenyamanan ruangan dapat meningkatkan kondisi kesehatan, kenyamanan, dan produktivitas seseorang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menentukan tingkat kenyamanan ruang lima masjid yang berada di Kawasan kecamatan Bogor Tengah Kota Bogor dan melakukan simulasi modifikasi menggunakan Software Ecotect Analysis. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengab pengukuran langsung di lapangan yang meliputi pengukuran suhu dan kelembapan, intensitas cahaya, dan kebisingan kemudian dilakukan modifikasi menggunakan Software Ecotect Analysis. Terdapat lima masjid yang belum memenuhi kriteria kenyamanan termal dan audial, serta terdapat tiga masjid yang belum memenuhi kenyamanan visual. Modifikasi menggunakan Timber Clad Masonry (pasangan batu bata berplaster dengan lapisan kayu) dan Concrete Block Plaster (dinding berbahan beton dengan plaster). Hasil modifikasi terbaik terdapat pada Masjid Agung dengan modifikasi 2 terjadi penurunan sebesar MRT 21,9%, penurunan menurunkan PPD sebesar 75%, meredam arah suara sebesar 49,9% dan meningkatkan pencahayan sebesar
dc.description.abstractIndonesia is in a humid tropical climate, which causes temperatures to tend to be high and wind speeds to be low. This situation has an effect on not achieving the comfort of space in the mosque. Room comfort can improve a person's health, comfort, and productivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the comfort level of five mosque spaces located in the Bogor Tengah sub-district area of Bogor City and to simulate modifications using Ecotect Analysis Software. This research was carried out by direct measurements in the field which included measurements of temperature and humidity, light intensity, and noise then modifications were made using Ecotect Analysis Software. There are five mosques that do not meet the criteria for thermal and audial comfort, and there are three mosques that do not meet visual comfort. Modification using Timber Clad Masonry (pair of plastered bricks with layers of wood) and Concrete Block Plaster (walls made of concrete with plaster). The best modification results were found in the Great Mosque with modification 2, there was a decrease of MRT by 21.9%, a decrease in PPD by 75%, muffled sound direction by 49.9% and increased lighting by
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Kenyamanan Ruang Menggunakan Simulasi Software Ecotect Analysis pada Masjid Kawasan Kecamatan Bogor Tengah Kota Bogorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordSpatial Comfortid
dc.subject.keywordEcotect Analysis Softwareid

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