Optimasi Formula Mikrokapsul Minyak Mata Tuna dengan Kombinasi Minyak Lemon dan Lesitin melalui I-Optimal Mixture Design
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Assyfa, Atqiya Nur'
Trilaksani, Wini
Syafitri, Utami Dyah
Santoso, Joko
Show full item recordAbstract
Kebutuhan asam lemak omega-3 di Indonesia cukup tinggi tetapi belum dapat dipenuhi secara mandiri. Mata tuna merupakan sumber potensial minyak ikan kaya omega-3 terutama docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) di Indonesia. Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) dan DHA memiliki banyak peran penting bagi perkembangan dan kesehatan tubuh manusia. Konsumsi suplemen maupun pangan fungsional terfortifikasi bahan kaya DHA menjadi penting karena tubuh manusia memiliki keterbatasan dalam mensintesisnya. Metode ekstraksi minyak mata tuna telah dikembangkan di Indonesia. Penelitian fortifikasi minyak mata tuna dalam bentuk mikrokapsul pada makanan dan suplemen juga telah dilakukan. Aplikasi teknologi mikroenkapsulasi pada minyak ikan dapat meningkatkan stabilitas, karakteristik sensori dan masa simpan. Karakteristik emulsi termasuk stabilitas dan ukuran droplet menjadi penentu kualitas mikrokapsul yang dihasilkan. Semakin stabil dan kecil rata-rata ukuran droplet emulsi, maka kualitas mikrokapsul yang dihasilkan juga semakin baik. Penggunaan minyak atsiri seperti minyak lemon mengurangi ukuran droplet dan polidispersitas droplet emulsi, selain itu minyak lemon memiliki aroma yang menarik dan kaya akan senyawa bioaktif. Peningkatan stabilitas emulsi juga dapat dilakukan dengan penambahan emulsifier. Penelitian terkait optimasi formula mikrokapsul minyak mata tuna khususnya dengan memodifikasi komposisi fase minyaknya belum pernah dilakukan. I-optimal mixture design merupakan metode statistik yang dapat digunakan untuk menemukan campuran optimal dan memberikan informasi tentang pengaruh setiap komponen pada variabel respons yang diinginkan, sekaligus meminimalkan jumlah percobaan yang diperlukan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan formula mikrokapsul optimum berbahan dasar minyak mata tuna dengan kombinasi minyak lemon dan lesitin serta menganalisis karakteristiknya menggunakan I-optimal Mixture Design. Variabel bebas yang digunakan adalah minyak mata tuna (A), minyak lemon (B), dan lesitin (C). Respon yang diamati adalah ukuran droplet, distribusi ukuran droplet, indeks krim, dan kandungan minyak total. Formula optimum ditentukan dengan metode multiple response optimization berdasarkan data respon. Formula mikrokapsul optimum yang diperoleh adalah minyak ikan 67,56%, minyak lemon 22,44%, dan lesitin 10% dengan total nilai desirability 0,849. Hasil validasi formula mikrokapsul optimum di laboratorium sesuai dengan prediksi model yaitu ukuran droplet, distribusi ukuran droplet, indeks krim dan kadar minyak total masing-masing adalah 7,94 ± 0,72 µm, 20,57 ± 3,29%, 1,36 ± 0,03%, 12,84 ± 1,37%. Nilai efisiensi enkapsulasi, kadar air dan kadar DHA minyak yang terenkapsulasi pada mikrokapsul formula optimum berturut-turut adalah 77,40 ± 4,88%, 3,18 ± 0,75%, dan 27,54%. The demand for omega-3 fatty acids in Indonesia is relatively high but needs to be fulfilled independently. Tuna eye is a potential source of fish oil rich in omega-3, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), in Indonesia. Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and DHA have many essential roles in the development and health of the human body. Consumption of supplements and functional food fortified with ingredients rich in DHA is necessary because the human body has limitations in synthesizing it. The Tuna eye oil extraction method has been developed in Indonesia. Research on fortifying tuna eye oil as microcapsules in food and supplements has also been conducted. Applying microencapsulation technology to fish oil can improve stability, sensory characteristics, and shelf life. Emulsion characteristics, including stability and droplet size, determine the quality of the microcapsules. The more stable and smaller the droplet size of the emulsion, the better the quality of the resulting microcapsules. Using essential oils, such as lemon oil, reduces the droplet size and polydispersity of the emulsion droplet. Besides that, lemon oil has an attractive aroma and is rich in bioactive compounds. Improvement of emulsion stability can also be made by adding an emulsifier. Research related to the optimization of tuna eye oil microcapsule formula through modification of the oil phase composition by the addition of essential oils and emulsifier has yet to be performed. The I-optimal mixture design is a statistical method that can be used to find the optimal mixture and provide information about the effect of each component on the desired response variable while minimizing the number of trials required.
This study aimed to determine the optimum formula and to analyse the characteristics of tuna eye oil microcapsules with lemon oil and lecithin addition using I-optimal mixture design. The independent variables were fish oil (A), lemon oil (B), and lecithin (C). The observed responses were droplet size, droplet size distribution, indeks krim, and total oil content. Then, multiple response optimization method was used to determine the optimum formula based on variable response data. The optimum microcapsule formula obtained was 67.56% fish oil, 22.44% lemon oil, and 10% lecithin with desirability total value was 0.849. Laboratory validation results were in accordance with model predictions for optimum formula microcapsule response, namely droplet size, droplet size distribution, indeks krim and total oil content were 7.94 ± 0.72 µm, 20.57 ± 3.29%, 1.36 ± 0.03%, 12.84 ± 1.37%, respectively. The encapsulation efficiency value, water content and DHA content of the encapsulated oil for the optimum microcapsule were 77.40 ± 4.88%, of 3.18 ± 0.75%, and 27.54%, respectively.
- MT - Fisheries [3016]