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dc.contributor.advisorPoerwanto, Roedhy
dc.contributor.advisorMatra, Deden Derajat
dc.contributor.authorNoviapindi, Dityanisa Nabila
dc.description.abstractTanaman kecapi tergolong dalam famili Meliaceae yang banyak dibudidayakan di Asia Tenggara, terutama di Indonesia dan Thailand. Aksesi tanaman kecapi sulit dibedakan secara morfologi, sehingga perlu dilakukan pendekatan berbasis molekuler menggunakan marka mikrosatelit. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Seed Center Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura Institut Pertanian Bogor pada bulan September 2022 hingga Mei 2023. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 16 aksesi tanaman kecapi masing-masing dari lokasi yang berbeda. Uji kuantitas dan kualitas DNA 16 aksesi kecapi menggunakan spektrofotometer dihasilkan konsentrasi DNA berkisar antara 100,6 hingga 786,6 ng/µL. Kemurnian DNA berkisar antara 1,41 hingga 2,14 pada A260/A280 dan 0,38 hingga 1,97 pada A260/A230. DNA masing-masing aksesi diamplifikasi menggunakan 10 primer mikrosatelit, namun hanya aksesi BGR5, BNT, IPB3 yang dapat teramplifikasi. Hal tersebut menunjukkan primer Sk1 hingga Sk10 masih perlu
dc.description.abstractThe santol plant belongs to the Meliaceae family which is widely cultivated in Southeast Asia, especially in Indonesia and Thailand. It is difficult to distinguish morphologically between santol plant accessions, so it is necessary to do a molecular-based approach using microsatellite markers. This research was conducted at the Seed Center Laboratory of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Bogor Agricultural University from September 2022 to May 2023. In this study, 16 accessions of the santol plant were used, each from a different location. Testing the quantity and quality of DNA of 16 santol accessions using a spectrophotometer resulted in DNA concentrations ranging from 100.6 to 786.6 ng/µL. DNA purity ranged from 1.41 to 2.14 for A260/A280 and 0.38 to 1.97 for A260/A230. The DNA of each accession was amplified using 10 microsatellite primers, but only the BGR5, BNT, IPB3 accessions could be amplified. This shows that the primers Sk1 to Sk10 still need to be
dc.description.sponsorshipHibah Penelitian Dasar Kompetitif Nasional 2023 Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaanid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleValidasi Marka Molekuler Mikrosatelit pada Beberapa Aksesi Tanaman Kecapi (Sandoricum koetape Merr.)id
dc.title.alternativeValidation of Microsatellite Molecular Markers on Several Santol Plants (Sandoricum koetjape Merr.)id
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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