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dc.contributor.authorNursusandhari, Eva
dc.description.abstractThe industrial development at Kelurahan Utama created new job fields. But in the other hand, industrial development might cause disruption on environment quality. The derivation of environment quality will cause the people that reside around industrial area have perception and preference of its own from the presence of this area. This research also work trough estimated expense that the people willing to pay to increase the environment quality using Contingen Valuation Method. Therefore from those description, the purpose of this research are: (1) to analyze factors related to people’s perception concerning the environment quality at Kelurahan Utama; (2) to analyze factors related to people’s preference concerning habitation/residence around industrial area at Kelurahan utama; (3) to examine the Willingness to Pay people at Kelurahan utama so that their environment increased; (4) to arrange alternate policy so that the environment around industrial area at Kelurahan Utama increased. This research started since May to Agust 2009. The data that has been used are primary data and secondary data. The primary data conducted with giving questioner to the head family around industrial area at Kelurahan utama. With sample method Purposive Sampling to 100 people using Slovin Formula. The secondary data conducted from relevant sources. To knowing factors that related with people’s preference of recidency, perception of environment and willingness to pay using analysis Chi-Square and Rank Spearman, whereas to predict WTP value using analysis double linier regression. All the analysis are supported by processor data program SPSS version 16.0 for windows with 15 percent real degree. From Chi-Square test, acquired result as follow: (1) factors that related to respondent perception of environment around the industrial area are the distance between the residence to the industrial area, crowded condition, noisy condition, and air quality; (2) factors that related with respondent preference to residence are expenses, residence status, distance of the residence to industrial area, water facility, crowded condition, noisy condition, cleanness of residence, distance of the residence to the market, distance of the residence to public transport, and criminal level; (3) factors that related to respondent’s willingness to pay are income, distance between the residence to the industrial area, water facility, noisy condition, air quality, crowded condition, criminal level, respondent preference of residency, and respondent perception of environment around industrial area. Estimated flat value WTP respondent are Rp.9400,00/HF/month, and total value people’s WTP are Rp.65.771.800,00/month. Factor that affected to WTP respondent are education, income, expenses, distance to industrial area, noisy condition, crowded condition, distance of residency to work place, and perception of environment around industrial area. Alternative policies to cope with air pollution are regulation, quota, taxes, and tariff of pollution along with property right. Whereas to cope with noise by getting house planting or extending divider wall between the residency and industrial area. And what is more noisy problem and the damage of public road could be overcome by special road for industry. This is supported by people’s WTP about environment. Keywords: industrial area, sustainable environment, willingness to payid
dc.titlePersepsi, Preferensi, dan Willingness To Pay Masyarakat Terhadap Lingkungan Pemukiman Sekitar Kawasan Industri (Kasus Kawasan Industri di Kelurahan Utama, Cimahi, Jawa Barat)id

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