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dc.contributor.advisorSubhan, Beginer
dc.contributor.advisorCakasana, Nadya
dc.contributor.authorAisyah, Siti Zanuba
dc.description.abstractInvertebrata laut termasuk kelompok hewan tidak bertulang belakang yang berperan dalam menjaga kestabilan ekosistem laut. Banyak spesies invertebrata laut yang belum teridentifikasi, salah satunya biota spons. Keberadaan spons tidak banyak diapresiasi, dipelajari dan diteliti dengan baik dibandingkan dengan biota laut lainnya. Beberapa penelitian terkait spons paling banyak dilakukan di wilayah Jawa dan Sulawesi. Penelitian terkait genetik dan tipe spikula tidak banyak dilakukan di Perairan Indonesia. Kesulitan identifikasi morfologi dan taksonomi menjadi salah satu faktor minimnya informasi terkait data spons. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui jenis-jenis spons yang ada di perairan Raja Ampat berdasarkan tipe spikula dan genetik. Identifikasi spesies berdasarkan genetik dilakukan dengan BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) pada Genbank di NCBI (National Centre For Biotechnology Information) menggunakan data sekuen yang diperoleh dari sampel setelah melalui tahapan ekstraksi, PCR, elektroforesis, dan sekuensing. Rekonstruksi pohon filogeni dibuat menggunakan model Kimura 2-parameter dengan metode Neighbour Joining dan Maximum Parsimony. Identifikasi bentuk spikula spons dilakukan dengan pengamatan preparat menggunakan mikroskop majemuk. Berdasarkan analisis laboratorium dari 22 sampel ditemukan 5 sampel terdeteksi sebagai spesies spons Halichondria sp., Stylissa carteri, Xestospongia deweerdtae, dan Theonella sp. Rekonstruksi pohon filogeni menghasilkan empat clade besar. Bentuk tipe spikula yang teramati terdiri dari spikula monoaxon dan
dc.description.abstractMarine invertebrates are a group of invertebrate animals that play a role in maintaining the stability of marine ecosystems. Many marine invertebrate species have not been identified, one of which is the sponge. The existence of sponges is not much appreciated, studied and well researched compared to other marine biota. Most research related to sponges has been carried out in Java and Sulawesi. Research related to genetics and spicule types is not much carried out in Indonesian. The difficulty of identifying morphology and taxonomy is one of the reasons for the lack of information related to sponge data. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of sponges in Raja Ampat based on the type of spicules and genetics. Genetic identification of species was carried out using BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) on Genbank at NCBI (National Center For Biotechnology Information) using sequence data obtained from samples after going through the stages of extraction, PCR, electrophoresis and sequencing. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction was made using the Kimura-2 parameter model with the Neighbor Joining and Maximum Parsimony methods. Identification of the shape of sponge spicules was carried out by observing the preparations using a compound microscope. Based on laboratory analysis of 22 samples, it was found that 5 samples were detected as Halichondria sp., Stylissa carteri, Xestospongia deweerdtae, and Theonella sp. Phylogenetic tree reconstruction resulted in four large clades. The types of spicules observed consisted of monoaxon and tetraxon
dc.description.sponsorshipRiset Kolaborasi Institusi PTNBH 2022 dan Hibah Ekspedisi dan Eksplorasi Gelombang II 2022id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleIdentifikasi Spesies Spons Berdasarkan Morfologi dan Genetik di Perairan Raja Ampat, Papua Baratid
dc.title.alternativeIdentification of Sponge Species Based on Morphology and Genetics in Raja Ampat, West Papuaid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDNA barcodingid

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