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dc.contributor.advisorAswidinnoor, Hajrial
dc.contributor.advisorMarwiyah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorPutri Hapsari, Vany
dc.description.abstractLahan pertanian semakin menyempit dan jumlah penduduk semakin bertambah, sehingga perlu pemuliaan tanaman untuk mengatasi hal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menguji keragaman keragaan 100 galur padi generasi F3 populasi IPB196. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Sawah Baru IPB, Desa Babakan, Dramaga, Bogor pada Februari sampai Agustus 2022. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan augmented design dengan menggunakan rancangan lingkungan rancangan kelompok lengkap teracak (RKLT). Digunakan dari 6 pembanding, yaitu dua variets (Ciherang, Inpari32) dan 4 galur padi tipe baru (PTB) ((IPB187-F-37-1-2 (S1), IPB187-F-65-1-2 (S3), IPB193-F-30-2-1 (S9), dan IPB187-F-40-1-1(T5)) dengan 5 ulangan, serta genotipe yang diuji berjumlah 100 galur generasi F3. Karakter panjang batang memiliki kisaran 59,76-88,91 cm dengan kisaran jumlah gabah total per malai 110,35-202,15 g, jumlah anakan antara 4-20 anakan, serta bobot gabah per rumpun berkisar 12,34-62,33 g. Keragaman semua karakter yang diamati termasuk kedalam keragaman sempit dan penampilan yang seragam, ditunjukkan dengan nilai koefisien keragaman genetik (KKG) dan koefisien keragaman fenotip (KKF) yang rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat sebelas galur menghasilkan bobot gabah per rumpun antara (35,96-62,33 g, lebih tinggi) dari pembanding VUB (23,71 g dan 29,36 g) dan pembanding galur PTB (37,18–38,94 g).id
dc.description.abstractAgricultural land decreases while the population is increasing, so plant breeding is needed to overcome this. This study aims to evaluate the variation performance of 100 F3 lowland rice of the IPB196 population and study their variation, as well as to select the best lines that have high yield potential. The research was carried out at the IPB196. Experimental Farm in Sawah Baru, Babakan Village, Dramaga, Bogor from February to August 2022. This study used an augmented design using a randomized complete group design (RKLT). Six checks are used for two varieties (Ciherang and Inpari32) and four lines of a new rice plant type (NPT) (IPB187-F-37-1-2 (S1), IPB187-F-65-1-2 (S3), and IPB193-F-30-2-1 (S9)), the total number of genotypes evaluated is 100 F3 generations with five replications. The stem length characters ranged from 59.76, to 88.91 cm, with total grain numbers per panicle ranging from 110.35, to 202.15 g, and tillers ranging from 4 to 20. The weight of grain per clump ranges from 12.34 to 62.33 g. The variation of all observed characters belongs to narrow variation and has a uniform appearance, as indicated by low genetic variation coefficient and phenotypic variation coefficient values. The results showed that there were eleven lines that had to produce higher grain weights per clump (from 35.96 to 62.33 g, higher). The VUB check (23.71 g and 29.36 g) and the NPT lines check (37.18 to 38.94 g).id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengujian 100 Galur Padi Sawah (Oryza sativa L.) Generasi F3 Populasi IPB196id
dc.title.alternativeEvaluation of 100 Lowland Rice Lines (Oryza sativa L.) in F3 Generation of IPB196 populationid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordnew plant type of riceid

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