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dc.contributor.advisorJahroh, Siti
dc.contributor.authorPurnamasari, Ni Made Windy Widyastuti
dc.description.abstractMicro and small culinary businesses in Banjarbaru have the largest number of increases compared to other fields. The online marketing system from 2017 to 2019 has increased by 14%, culinary business actors are starting to switch to online because their products are quickly known by the Banjarbaru community. Food and beverage sellers who use offline and online marketing systems, their shops are more crowded with customers. Food and beverage business actors who only use an offline marketing system, the shop is empty of customers. Business actors who make products faster to be served to customers are more attractive to customers to visit the store. Based on this condition, it means that there are differences in the competence of business actors in managing the business. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine entrepreneurial competence, individual characteristics and psychological characteristics, external factors and performance, analyze the influence of entrepreneurial competence and factor external on the performance of culinary businesses in Banjarbaru and analyze the inf luence individual characteristics and psychological characteristics and factor external on the entrepreneurial competence. Respondents in this study were culinary entrepreneurs with a total of 210 people who were determined by the survey method. Survey was carried out on February 2021-May 2021. Data analysis in this study used the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the help of AMOS software. The results showed that, first, the age of the most dominant respondents who were still productive was 18-39 years old. Culinary business owners have high technical skills, relationship skills and customer service skills. Respondents have different tenacity slogans. Respondents promote and sell in stores and online applications. Culinary business owners make their products quickly. The government provides assistance in the form of bazaar facilities. The acceptance received by culinary business owners is high. Second, individual characteristics and psychological characteristics have a positive and significant impact on entrepreneurial competence. Entrepreneurs who have high tenacity. Respondents have the motivation to help the family economy. External factors have no effect on entrepreneurial competence because respondents feel that the community does not help in improving the ability of respondents.Third, entrepreneurial competence and external factors have a positive and significant impact on business performance. The manifest variable of entrepreneurial competency that has the greatest reflection is technical ability. The ability of culinary business owners to be able to make their own products and know each process. Acceptance increases by increasing capabilities in product manufacture and product promotion, as well as the help of external
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePengaruh Kompetensi Kewirausahaan Terhadap Kinerja Usaha Kuliner Di Banjarbaru Kalimantan
dc.subject.keywordindividual characteristicsid
dc.subject.keywordmicro and small businessid

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