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dc.contributor.advisorTampubolon, Bahroin Idris
dc.contributor.authorMatondang, Keveen Paulus
dc.description.abstractPandemi Covid-19 berdampak terhadap penutupan kawasan wisata sementara waktu dan terjadinya penurunan jumlah kunjungan yang bersifat fluktuatif, dimana berdampak terhadap unit usaha dan tenaga kerja di kawasan tersebut. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) menganalisis dampak ekonomi Taman Wisata Iman, Kabupaten Dairi akibat pandemi Covid-19; (2) menghitung daya dukung wisata di kawasan Wisata Taman Wisata Iman; (3) menganalisis strategi pengembangan kawasan Taman Wisata Iman. Metode yang digunakan adalah, multiplier effect, daya dukung fisik (PCC), analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebelum dan saat adanya pandemi Keynesian Income Multiplier di TWI kurang dari satu, artinya dampak yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat lokal masih rendah. Namun, Ratio Income Multiplier Tipe I dan Tipe II lebih besar dari satu yang menandakan pengeluaran wisatawan sudah berdampak dan berkontribusi dengan baik terhadap pendapatan unit usaha dan tenaga kerja, baik itu sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19. Daya dukung kawasan TWI sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19 mengalami under carrying capacity, baik itu pada saat weekday, weekend dan musim libur. Pengembangan kawasan TWI dilakukan dengan tahap sarana prasarana, promosi atau iklan dan menyesuaikan kondisi carrying
dc.description.abstractThe Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the temporary closure of tourist areas and a decrease in the number of fluctuating visits, which has had an impact on business units and workforce in the area. The purposes of this research are (1) to analyze the economic impact of Iman Tourism Park, Dairi Regency due to the Covid-19 pandemic; (2) calculate the carrying capacity of tourism in the Taman Wisata Iman Tourism area; (3) analyzing the development strategy of the Faith Tourism Park area. The method used is multiplier effect, physical carrying capacity (PCC), descriptive analysis. The results of the study show that before and during the pandemic, the Keynesian Income Multiplier in TWI was less than one, meaning that the impact felt by the local community was still low. However, the Type I and Type II Income Multiplier Ratio is greater than one, which indicates that tourism expenditure has had an impact and contributed to both business unit and workforce income, both before and during the Covid-19 pandemic. The carrying capacity of the TWI area before and during the Covid- 19 pandemic experienced a lack of carrying capacity, both on weekdays, weekends and the holiday season. The development of the TWI area is carried out with the stages of infrastructure, promotion or advertising and adjusting the carrying capacity conditionsid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Dampak Ekonomi dan Daya Dukung Kawasan Taman Wisata Kabupaten Dairi Iman Akibat Pandemi Covid-19id
dc.title.alternativeEconomic Impact and Carrying Capacity Analysis of the Taman Wisata Iman in Dairi Regency Due to the Covid-19 Pandemicid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordcarrying capacityid
dc.subject.keywordmultiplier effectid

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