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dc.contributor.advisorSimbolon, Domu
dc.contributor.advisorMuninggar, Retno
dc.contributor.authorAfriliano, Jordy
dc.description.abstractMenteri Kelautan dan Perikanan pada tahun 2020, melalui penetapan PERMEN KP No.12/2020 memperbolehkan ekspor benih lobster. Pemerintah pada tahun 2021 kembali mengeluarkan kebijakan pelarangan ekspor benih lobster yang bertujuan untuk menjaga sumberdaya lobster tercantum dalam PERMEN KP No.17/2021. Kemudian tahun 2022 beberapa isi kebijakan kembali direvisi melalui PERMEN KP No.16/2022. Adanya perubahan kebijakan pemerintah dapat memicu terjadinya konflik. Hal ini terbukti dengan masih banyaknya kasus penyelundupan benih lobster yang terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan kebijakan pemerintah terkait dengan ekspor lobster, mengidentifikasi persepsi nelayan terhadap kebijakan ekspor lobster, mengkaji dampak kebijakan ekspor lobster terhadap keuntungan usaha nelayan dan keberlanjutan perikanan lobster. Penelitian menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan proses pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi langsung, dan data sekunder. Analisis deskriptif dan keuntungan digunakan dalam menganalisis data yang didapatkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi nelayan Palabuhanratu, terhadap penerapan kebijakan PERMEN KP No.17/2021 sebanyak (38%) menunjukkan persepsi yang negatif, dan sisanya sebanyak 58% bersikap netral, serta 4% setuju. Ketidakpastian mengenai harga jual benih lobster yang dipasok ke pengepul, berdampak pada besar kecilnya nilai pendapatan nelayan. Hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjamin keberlanjutan perikanan lobster di Palabuhanratu yaitu dengan mengoptimalkan pembudidayaan benur lobster sampai ukuran dewasa untuk menampung hasil tangkapan benur lobster dari nelayan yang
dc.description.abstractThe Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in 2020, through PERMEN KP No. 12/2020 explained the policies and regulation of export lobster juvenile. In 2021, the government made another policies and explained banned regulation of lobster juvenile export. This policies was aims to protect lobster resources as stated in PERMEN KP No. 17/2021. Then in 2022 some of the policy contents were revised again through PERMEN KP No.16/2022. By the changes of government policies and regulations, can cause many conflicts. One of the conflicts that causes by the changes of government policies was lobster seed smuggling. Lobster seed smuggling has increased by the time of government policies changes. This research explains and describe government policies and regulation that related to lobster exports, identify fisher perceptions of lobster export policies and regulation, examine the impact of lobster export policies and regulation on fisher business profits and the sustainability of lobster fisheries. This research used case study method with the data collection process including interviews, direct observation, and secondary data. Descriptive analysis and profit are used to analyzing the data obtained. The results showed the perception of Palabuhanratu fisher on the implementation of the PERMEN KP policy No.17/2021 was (38%). It showed that many fisheries has negative perception of this regulation, and the remaining 58% were neutral, and 4% agreed. The uncertainty selling price of lobster juvenile from supplied to collectors, has an impact on the income value of fisher. To ensure the sustainability of the lobster fishery in Palabuhanratu was by optimizing the cultivation of lobster juvenile to adult size and accommodate the abundant catches of lobster juvenile from
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePersepsi Nelayan terhadap Ekspor Benih Lobster dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Keberlanjutan Perikanan Lobster di Palabuhanratuid
dc.title.alternativeFisher Perceptions of Lobster Seed Exports and Their Effect on the Sustainability of Lobster Fisheries in Palabuhanratuid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordPersepsi Nelayanid
dc.subject.keywordKebijakan Eksporid
dc.subject.keywordBenur Lobsterid
dc.subject.keywordKeberlanjutan Perikananid

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