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dc.contributor.advisorJunaedi, Ahmad
dc.contributor.advisorLubis, Iskandar
dc.contributor.advisorGhulamahdi, Munif
dc.contributor.advisorAswidinoor, Hajrial
dc.contributor.authorFauzi, Ahmad Rifqi
dc.description.abstractSistem budidaya tanam benih langsung (Tabela) telah banyak dipraktikkan di berbagai negara Asia karena dianggap lebih hemat air dan tenaga kerja serta memberikan keuntungan yang lebih baik dibandingkan sistem pindah tanam. Namun demikian, perbaikan pengelolaan praktik sistem budidaya ini masih diperlukan khususnya dalam pola tanam dan penggunaan varietas yang sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakter fisiologi, komponen hasil dan hasil genotipe padi pada sistem budidaya pindah tanam dan Tabela. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di lahan dengan sistem budidaya pindah tanam dan Tabela (sebar alur dan sebar permukaan) serta menggunakan 4 galur unggulan dan satu varietas nasional. Sebanyak 25 kombinasi perlakuan dirancang dengan rancangan split-plot kelompok acak lengkap (Split plot RAKL) dengan 3 ulangan setiap perlakuan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa padi yang ditanam dengan Tabela laju fotosintesis yang sama dengan tanaman padi pada budidaya pindah tanam, namun menghasilkan panjang malai, jumlah gabah per malai, dan jumlah gabah isi yang lebih rendah serta waktu berbunga lebih cepat. Genotipe IPB193-F-17-2-3 menghasilkan produktivitas tertinggi pada budidaya tanam benih langsung lahan basah (metode alur dan sebar) dan lahan kering (metode alur). Genotipe IPB193-F- 38-2-1 menghasilkan produktivitas tertinggi pada sistem pindah tanam dan tanam benih langsung lahan kering (metode sebar). Produktivitas varietas Ciherang pada sistem tanam benih langsung (metode alur) tidak berbeda dengan sistem pindah tanam. Temuan ini mengindikasikan bahwa sistem tanam benih langsung dengan metode alur cukup menjanjikan untuk dikembangkan lebih
dc.description.abstractThe direct seeding of rice (DSR) system has been widely practiced in various Asian countries because it is considered more efficient in water and labor and provides better benefits than transplanting systems. However, improvements in the management of this system practice are still needed, especially in cropping patterns and the use of appropriate varieties. This study examines the physiological characteristics, yield components, and yields of rice genotypes in transplanting and DSR systems. This research was carried out in the field with transplanting and DSR cultivation systems (drill and broadcast sowing) and used four superior lines and one national variety. A total of 25 treatment combinations were designed using a split-plot randomized complete block design (Split plot-RCBD) with three replications for each treatment. The results showed that rice grown with DSR had no different level of greenery and photosynthesis rate than rice in transplanting cultivation, but produced lower panicle length, the number of grains per panicle, the number of filled grains, and faster flowering time. Genotype IPB193-F-17-2-3 produced the highest productivity in wet DSR (drill and broadcast sowing) and dry DSR (drill sowing). Genotype IPB193-F-38-2-1 had the highest productivity in transplanting techniques and dry DSR (broadcast method). The productivity of the Ciherang variety in the DSR system (drill method) was not different from the transplanting system. This finding indicates that the direct seeding system using the drill method is promising for further
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleKarakter Morfologi dan Fisiologi Genotipe Padi (Oryza sativa) pada Sistem Tanam Benih Langsung (Direct Seeding of Rice/DSR)id
dc.title.alternativeMorpho-physiology Characters of Rice (Oryza sativa) Genotypes in Direct Seediing of Rice Systemid
dc.subject.keywordcultivation systemid
dc.subject.keywordearly vigorid
dc.subject.keywordseed traitsid

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