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dc.contributor.advisorWahyuningrum, Prihatin Ika
dc.contributor.advisorWiryawan, Budy
dc.contributor.authorAnugrah, Mohamad Tresna
dc.description.abstractNelayan Palabuhanratu banyak menangkap lobster terutama lobster pasir (Panulirus homarus). Pendataan yang kurang terkait stok lobster bisa berdampak pada keberlanjutan lobster di perairan Palabuhanratu. Penggunaan metode spawning potential ratio (SPR) bisa menjadi solusi dalam menentukan harvest strategy lobster. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi unit penangkapan lobster, mengidentifikasi komposisi hasil tangkapan lobster, menghitung parameter biologi lobster, dan menentukan status pemanfaatan lobster. Pendekatan length base spawning potential ratio (LB-SPR) digunakan untuk pengolahan data. Analisis deskriptif dan kualitatif digunakan dalam menganalisis data yang didapatkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kapal yang digunakan untuk menangkap lobster berukuran 2-3 GT dan 5 GT. Alat tangkap berupa gillnet dan trammel net. Lobster yang tertangkap ada 4 jenis yaitu lobster pasir, lobster mutiara, lobster bambu dan lobster batu. Hasil penelitian didapatkan panjang asimptotik (L∞) lobster pasir jantan dan betina sebesar 110,5 mm dan 106,67 mm. Koefisien pertumbuhan (K) untuk lobster jantan dan betina sebesar 0,34/tahun dan 0,44/tahun. Nilai laju eksploitasi (E) lobster pasir jantan dan betina sebesar 0,74 dan 0,80 dengan rata-rata panjang lobster matang gonad (Lm) sebesar 58,21. Nilai spawning potential ratio (SPR) lobster pasir diperoleh sebesar 12,63% dimana hasil tersebut kurang dari 20% yang artinya status pemanfaatan lobster di perairan Palabuhanratu sudah terjadi tangkap lebih (overfishing)id
dc.description.abstractIn Palabuhanratu, fishers catch a lot of lobsters, particularly the scalloped spiny lobster (Panulirus homarus). The sustainability of lobsters in Palabuhanratu waters may be impacted by inadequate data collection on lobster stocks. Using the spawning potential ratio (SPR) approach will contribute to Harvest Strategy for Lobster Fishery in that area. The objectives of this study are to identify lobster fishing units, characterize lobster captures, compute biological parameters for lobsters, and assess the utilization of lobsters. Data processing uses the length-based spawning potential ratio (LB-SPR) method. The data were analyzed using descriptive and qualitative methods. The findings revealed that the size of the lobster-catching vessels was 2-3 GT and 5 GT. Gillnets and trammel nets are two types of fishing gear. Four different kinds of lobsters were caught: scalloped spiny lobsters, ornate spiny lobsters, bamboo lobsters, and pronghorn spiny lobsters. The findings revealed that the asymptotic lengths (L) of male and female scalloped spiny lobsters were 110.5 mm and 106.67 mm, respectively. Male and female lobsters’ growth coefficients (K) are 0.34 and 0.44 per year. An average scalloped spiny lobster's gonadal mature length (Lm) was 58.21 inches, and its exploitation rate values (E) were 0.74 and 0.80 for males and females, respectively. The scalloped spiny lobster's spawning potential ratio (SPR) value was 12.63%, which is below the 20% threshold, indicating overfishing of the species in the waters around
dc.publisherIPB Uviversityid
dc.titleStatus Stok Sumberdaya Lobster Pasir (Panulirus homarus) di Perairan Palabuhanratu dengan Menggunakan Metode Spawning Potential Ratioid
dc.title.alternativeThe Stock Status of Scalloped Spiny Lobster (Panulirus homarus) in Palabuhanratu Waters Using the Spawning Potential Ratio methodid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordharvest strategyid
dc.subject.keywordlobster pasirid
dc.subject.keywordspawning potential ratio (SPR)id
dc.subject.keywordstatus pemanfaatanid

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