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dc.contributor.advisorPisestyani, Herwin
dc.contributor.advisorNisa', Chairun
dc.contributor.authorCahya, Narkolas Indra
dc.description.abstractKualitas dari susu kambing dapat dipengaruhi oleh jumlah sel somatik (JSS). Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh JSS terhadap komposisi susu kambing Sapera yang dibudidayakan di Balai Penelitian Ternak Ciawi Bogor. Sampel susu diambil dari delapan ekor kambing Sapera setiap pekan selama tiga pekan. Pemeriksaan dilakukan untuk mengetahui kandungan lemak, berat jenis (BJ), laktosa, protein dan bahan kering tanpa lemak (BKTL) menggunakan milk analyzer, sedangkan pada parameter bahan kering (BK) dilakukan akumulasi jumlah lemak dengan BKTL serta menghitung JSS dengan metode Breed. Data sampel yang didapat, dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok yakni sampel dengan JSS ≤ 1 x 106 sel/ml (kelompok JSS rendah) dan ≥ 1 x 106 sel/ml (kelompok JSS tinggi). Selanjutnya, komposisi antar dua kelompok yang didapat dianalisis menggunakan T-test serta dilakukan analisis korelasi Pearson antara JSS dengan komposisi susu. Hasil menunjukkan perbedaan sangat nyata pada lemak, BJ, laktosa, protein, BKTL dan BK antara kelompok JSS tinggi dan kelompok JSS rendah (P<0,01), sedangkan pada hasil korelasi memperlihatkan JSS memiliki korelasi positif terhadap lemak dan BK serta berkorelasi negatif dengan BJ, laktosa, protein dan BKTL. JSS tinggi menyebabkan penurunan sintesis laktosa dan proteolisis, sehingga menurunkan angka BJ, prosentase kadar protein, laktosa, BKTL dan menaikkan prosentase kadar lemak dan
dc.description.abstractGoat milk quality could be affected by somatic cell count (SCC). Purpose of study was to determine the affect of SCC toward the composition of Sapera goat’s milk which bred in Balai Penelitian Ternak Ciawi Bogor. Samples were taken from eight Sapera goats once every week for three weeks. The SCC calculation used Breed method and milk analyzer was used to examine and determine Sapera goat milk’s fat content, density, lactose, protein and solid non-fat (SNF). Fat and SNF was adding up to count total solid parameter. Data samples then divided in two groups which are sample SCC ≤ 1 x 106 cell/ml (low SCC group) and ≥ 1 x 106 cell/ml (high SCC group). Based on the obtained data, composition between two groups has been analyzed using T-test and correlation between SCC and milk content also has been analyzed using Pearson correlation. Result showed that there was significant distinction between fat, density, lactose, protein, SNF and solid in low SCC group and high SCC group (P<0,01), as the correlation result showed that SCC obtained positive correlation toward fat and solid but had negative correlation toward density, lactose, protein and SNF. High SCC content could reducing lactose synthesis and proteolisis as it reducing density, percentage of protein, lactose, and SNF, also increasing percentage of fat and
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleHubungan antara Jumlah Sel Somatik dengan Komposisi Susu Kambing Saperaid
dc.title.alternativeCorrelation Between Somatic Cell Count and Composition of Sapera Goat Milkid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordgoat milkid
dc.subject.keywordSapera goatid

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