Estimasi Kualitas Efluen Air Lindi Unit Kontak Stabilisasi Berdasarkan Parameter Biokinetika Proses Stabilisasi
Kandungan polutan organik yang terkandung pada air lindi melebihi baku
mutu berdasarkan Permen LHK Nomor P.59/MENLHK/Setjen/Kum.1/7/2016
tentang Baku Mutu Air Lindi Bagi Usaha dan/atau Kegiatan Tempat Pemrosesan
Akhir Sampah. Pengolahan biologis kontak stabilisasi dirancang untuk
mendegradasi kandungan polutan organik air lindi. Penelitian ini bertujuan
mengestimasi efluen air lindi berdasarkan parameter biokinetika unit stabilisasi.
Prosedur penelitian skala laboratorium dilakukan dalam empat tahap, antara lain
tahap persiapan, tahap pengambilan sampel, tahap pengujian reaktor pada kondisi
tidak tunak, dan tahap analisis laboratorium. Persamaan umum biokinetika yang
digunakan antara lain Monod, Contois, Blackman, dan Chen-Hashimoto.
Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan dan uji validasi, parameter biokinetika terpilih
diperoleh melalui persamaan Blackman dengan nilai Ke, Y, μmax, Ks sebesar 2,05
; 32,88 mgMLVSS/mgCOD; 0,57 hari-1
; 24,38 mg/L. Konsentrasi efluen rata rata yang diperoleh melalui persamaan Blackman berdasarkan variasi waktu detensi
4 – 6 jam berturut-turut sebesar 208,46 ± 23,35 mg/L; 173,39 ± 54,03 mg/L; 146,83
± 30,46 mg/L. The content of organic pollutants contained in leachate exceeds the quality
standard based on the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No.
P.59/Menlhk/Setjen/Kum.1/7/2016 concerning Leachate Water Quality Standards
for Business and/or Activities of Waste Final Processing Sites. The stabilizing
contact biological treatment is designed to degrade the organic pollutant content of
leachate. This study aims to estimate the leachate effluent based on the biokinetic
parameters of the stabilization unit. The laboratory-scale research procedure is
carried out in four stages, including the preparation stage, the sampling stage, the
reactor testing stage under unsteady-state conditions, and the laboratory analysis
stage. The general biokinetic equations used include Monod, Contois, Blackman,
and Chen-Hashimoto. Based on the results of calculations and validation tests, the
selected biokinetic parameters were obtained through the Blackman equation with
the values of Ke, Y, μmax, Ks of 2.05 day-1
; 32.88 mgMLVSS/mgCOD; 0.57 day-1
24.38 mg/L. The average effluent concentration obtained through the Blackman
equation based on the variation of detention time 4 – 6 hours in a row was 208.46
± 23.35 mg/L; 173.39 ± 54.03 mg/L; 146.83 ± 30.46 mg/L.