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dc.contributor.advisorKamal, Mohammad Mukhlis
dc.contributor.advisorMashar, Ali
dc.contributor.authorAgustini, Sang Ayu Putu Didi Kasturi
dc.description.abstractIkan opudi (Telmatherina antoniae) merupakan ikan endemik Danau Matano yang keberadaannya belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aspek biologi reproduksi ikan opudi (Telmatherina antoniae Kottelat, 1991) di Danau Matano, Sulawesi Selatan. Sampel ikan opudi diperoleh dari hasil sampling selama Maret 2018-Februari 2019 dan diambil dari 6 stasiun. Sampel dikirim ke Laboratorium Biologi Makro I, IPB. Analisis dilakukan pada bulan April-Juni 2021 dengan ikan yang dianalisis sejumlah 1792 ekor yang terdiri dari 922 ekor jantan dan 870 ekor betina. Nisbah kelamin ikan opudi memiliki perbandingan 1,06:1. Ukuran pertama kali matang gonad jantan yaitu berkisar 48,08- 57,73 mm dan betina yaitu 56,78-68,55 mm. TKG ikan jantan paling dominan ditemukan pada Desember 2018 di Stasiun 6, sedangkan ikan betina pada Desember 2018 di Stasiun 3. Rataan IKG ikan jantan memiliki nilai tertinggi pada Maret 2018 di Stasiun 5 sedangkan ikan betina pada September 2018 di Stasiun 6. Fekunditas ikan opudi memiliki nilai rata-rata 650±270 butir telur. Nisbah kelamin ikan opudi jantan dengan betina mengalami kondisi yang seimbang. Ikan opudi jantan memiliki kondisi matang gonad dengan ukuran yang lebih kecil dibandingkan ikan betina. Ikan opudi diduga mengalami pemijahan sepanjang tahun dengan puncak pemijahan pada bulan Maret dan memijah di sekitar Sungai Petea dan Tanah Merah. Potensi reproduksi ikan opudi diperkirakan berjumlah 179-1690 butir telur dan berdasarkan distribusi ukuran diameter telur, ikan opudi memiliki tipe pemijahan partial
dc.description.abstractThe locally called telmatherinid Opudi (Telmatherina antoniae) is an endemic fish inhabiting Matano Lake where the species has not optimally exploited yet. This research was aimed to analyze the reproductive biology of this fish which particularly focused on gonads and eggs development along the size. Fish sample was collected during March 2018 to February 2019 and taken from 6 stations. The speciments were transported from the field to Laboratory of Macro Biology I at IPB University, Bogor. The analysis was carried out in April-June 2021 with 1792 fish, consisting of 922 males and 870 females. The results showed that sex ratio of opudi fish had a 1.06:1 ratio. The gonad maturity stage showed that most dominant male fish were found in Station 6 at December 2018, while female fish were in Station 3 at December 2018. The gonad maturity index of male fish had the highest value in Station 5 at March 2018 while female fish in Station 6 at September 2018. Length at first maturity was 48.08-57.73 mm and 56.78-68.55 mm for males and females, respectively. The opudi fish fecundity has an average value of 650±270 eggs. Sex ratio of opudi fish experienced balanced conditions. Male opudi fish have a mature condition of gonads with smaller size compared to female fish. Opudi fish are supposed to spawn throughout the year with the spawning peak in March and they have spawned around Sungai Petea and Tanah Merah. Based on eggs counting, the reproductive potential range between 179-1690 eggs. Based on the distribution of the egg diameter, their reproductive strategy tend to be partial
dc.description.sponsorshipSulistiono, Andi Chadijahid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleBiologi Reproduksi Ikan Opudi Telmatherina antoniae Kottelat, 1991 di Danau Matano, Sulawesi Selatanid
dc.title.alternativeReproductive Biology of Opudi Telmatherina antoniae Kottelat, 1991 in Matano Lake, South Sulawesiid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordDanau Matanoid
dc.subject.keywordTelmatherina antoniaeid

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