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dc.contributor.advisorHakim, Dedi Budiman
dc.contributor.advisorNugraheni, Sri Retno Wahyu
dc.contributor.authorAdinda, Rizkya Okta
dc.description.abstractSelama terjadi krisis di tahun 1997-1998, perekonomian Indonesia menurun cukup drastis, tidak terkecuali dari sisi perdagangan internasional. Sebagai komponen dalam perdagangan internasional, ekspor perlu menjadi fokus perhatian saat itu. Ketika kinerja ekspor efisien maka akan berpengaruh positif bagi perbaikan ekonomi nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis efisiensi ekspor dan faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi ekspor Indonesia ke ASEAN. Dengan menggunakan metode Stochastic Frontier Gravity Model terhadap negara mitra ASEAN selama periode 1994-2020 diperoleh nilai efisiensi adalah 72,6 persen, dimana negara Singapura adalah yang tertinggi sebesar 95,8 persen dan terendah adalah Brunei Darussalam sebesar 57,7 persen. Penelitian ini menemukan selama tahun 1997-1998, ekspor Indonesia ke ASEAN terbilang positif namun mengalami penurunan efisiensi. Selain itu, ada hubungan yang signifikan antara GDP riil negara mitra, GDP riil negara Indonesia, trade openness, populasi, dan dummy krisis 1997-1998 terhadap kenaikan ekspor, serta jarak ekonomi dan dummy landlocked terhadap penurunan ekspor Indonesia ke
dc.description.abstractDuring the 1997-1998 crisis, the Indonesian economy declined quite dramatically, including in terms of international trade. As a component in international trade, exports need to be the focus of attention at that time. When export performance is efficient, it will have a positive effect on the improvement of the national economy. This study aims to analyze export efficiency and the factors that influence Indonesia's exports to ASEAN. By using the Stochastic Frontier Gravity Model for ASEAN partner countries during the period 1994-2020, the efficiency value is 72.6 percent, of which Singapore is the highest at 95.8 percent and Brunei Darussalam is the lowest at 57.7 percent. This study found that during 1997-1998, Indonesia's exports to ASEAN were positive but experienced a decline in efficiency. In addition, there is a significant relationship between the real GDP of partner countries, the real GDP of Indonesia, trade openness, population, and the 1997-1998 crisis dummy to the increase in exports, as well as the economic distance and the landlocked dummy to the decline in Indonesia's exports to
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Pengaruh Krisis Asia 1997-1998 terhadap Efisiensi Ekspor Indonesia ke ASEANid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of the Effect of the 1997-1998 Asian Crisis on the Efficiency of Indonesia's Exports to ASEANid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keyword1997-1998 crisisid

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