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dc.contributor.advisorHasan, Akhmad Endang Zainal
dc.contributor.authorPermatasari, Indah
dc.description.abstractEkstrak etil asetat kapang endofit daun sirsak telah terbukti memiliki aktivitas antikanker payudara. Tahapan uji toksisitas subkronis perlu dilakukan agar ekstrak tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai obat. Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis perubahan atau efek toksik akibat pemberian ekstrak etil asetat kapang endofit daun sirsak selama 30 hari terhadap kondisi hati tikus berdasarkan pengukuran bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, kadar aspartat aminotransferase (AST), dan kadar alanin aminotransferase (ALT) tikus. Sebanyak 40 ekor tikus betina dikelompokkan menjadi empat kelompok yang terbagi atas kelompok kontrol (tidak diberi ekstrak), kelompok yang diberi ekstrak secara peroral dengan dosis 20 mg/kg BB, dosis 80 mg/kg BB, dan dosis 240 mg/kg BB. Pemberian ekstrak dilakukan setiap hari selama 30 hari. Pemberian ketiga dosis uji tidak berefek toksik terhadap hati yang ditunjukkan dengan tidak adanya pengaruh signifikan pemberian ekstrak terhadap bobot badan, konsumsi pakan, kadar AST, dan kadar ALT
dc.description.abstractEthyl acetate extract of endophytic mold from soursop leaf has been shown to have anti-breast cancer activity. Subchronic toxicity testing needs to be done so that the extract can be used as medicine. This study aimed to analyze the changes or toxic effects due to administration of ethyl acetate extract of endophytic mold of soursop leaves for 30 days on the liver condition of rats based on measurements of body weight, feed consumption, aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels, and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels of rats. A total of 40 female rats were grouped into four groups which were divided into a control group (not given the extract), a group given the extract orally at a dose of 20 mg/kg BW, a dose of 80 mg/kg BW, and a dose of 240 mg/kg BW. The extract was administered every day for 30 days. The administration of the three test doses had no toxic effect on the liver as indicated by the absence of a significant effect of the extract on body weight, feed consumption, AST levels, and ALT levels of
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEfek Pemberian Ekstrak Kapang Endofit Daun Sirsak terhadap Kondisi Hati Tikus pada Uji Toksisitas Subkronisid
dc.title.alternativeEffect of Soursop Leaf Endophytic Mold Extract on Rat Liver Condition in Subchronic Toxicity Testid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keyworddaun sirsakid
dc.subject.keywordkapang endofitid
dc.subject.keywordtoksisitas subkronisid

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