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dc.description.abstractPemupukan merupakan bagian dari kegiatan utama dan sangat penting dalam pemeliharaan tanaman kelapa sawit. Kegiatan magang ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, keterampilan kerja dalam aspek teknis dan manajerial perkebunan sawit, dan menganalisis manajemen pemupukan tanaman kelapa sawit di Kebun Petapahan. Pengamatan aspek khusus dilakukan terhadap manajemen pemupukan di lapangan berdasarkan prinsip 5 tepat (tepat jenis, tepat dosis, tepat tempat, tepat waktu, dan tepat cara aplikasi) dan gejala defisiensi unsur hara pada tanaman kelapa sawit. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan pemupukan di Kebun Petapahan pada ketepatan jenis pupuk KCL dan Borate, ketepatan dosis pupuk KCL, dan ketepatan tempat sudah sesuai dengan rekomendasi perusahaan yaitu sebesar 100%, 97,78%, dan 152,81 cm. Ketepatan cara aplikasi pupuk sudah cukup baik dengan persentase rata-rata 91,11%, namun pada pengamatan ketepatan dosis pupuk KCL masih dibawah standar aplikasi kebun yaitu 90,56%. Pengamatan ketepatan waktu aplikasi pupuk Urea, Rock phosphate, dan Dolomite masih belum sesuai dengan waktu aplikasi yang direkomendasikan. Pengamatan pada gejala defisiensi unsur hara menunjukkan bahwa di Kebun Petapahan terdapat 12% tanaman yang mengalami gejala defisiensi unsur hara kalium (K).id
dc.description.abstractFertilization is part of the main activity and is very important in the maintenance of oil palm plantations. This internship activity aims to improve knowledge, work skills in technical and managerial aspects of oil palm plantations, and analyze fertilizer management for oil palm plantations in Petapahan Estates. Observations of special aspects were carried out on fertilizer management in the field based on the right 5 principles (right type, right dose, right place, right time, and right application method) and symptoms of nutrient deficiency in oil palm plants. The results of the observations showed that fertilization in Petapahan Gardens on the accuracy of KCL and Borate fertilizer types, KCL fertilizer dosage accuracy, and location accuracy were in accordance with the company's recommendations, namely 100%, 97,78%, and 152,81 cm. The accuracy of the fertilizer application method is quite good with an average percentage of 91,11%, but the observation of the accuracy of KCL fertilizer dosage is still below the garden application standard, which is 90,56%. Observation of timeliness of application of Urea, Rock phosphate, and Dolomite fertilizers is still not in accordance with the recommended application time. Observations on the symptoms of nutrient deficiency showed that in Petapahan Gardens there were 12% of plants that experienced symptoms of potassium (K) nutrient
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleManajemen Pemupukan Tanaman Kelapa Sawit (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Pada Tanaman Menghasilkan di Kebun Petapahan PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar, Riauid
dc.title.alternativeFertilization Management of Palm Oil Plants (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) on Mature Crops at Petapahan Estate, PT Peputra Masterindo, Kampar, Riauid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordnutrient deficiencyid
dc.subject.keywordproper fertilizationid

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