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dc.contributor.advisorSulistyaningsih, Yohana Caecilia
dc.contributor.advisorDjuita, Nina Ratna
dc.contributor.authorCantika, Nur Afni Dwi
dc.description.abstractInformasi mengenai keragaman polen sangat bermanfaat dalam menunjang berbagai disiplin ilmu. Karakter polen yang tahan terhadap pengaruh lingkungan maupun terhadap oksidasi selama proses fosilisasi dapat menjadi sumber data yang sangat penting. Data tentang polen banyak dipakai dalam ilmu forensik terkait investigasi pelaku tindak kriminal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi variasi morfologi polen tanaman pekarangan. Sampel polen dari 22 spesies tanaman diambil dari 13 pekarangan rumah penduduk di kawasan Kota Pekanbaru dan satu spesies tanaman pekarangan diambil dari kampus IPB University, Bogor. Pengambilan bunga dilakukan berdasarkan jumlah spesies terbanyak dari suatu famili yang telah ditemukan. Pengamatan morfologi polen dilakukan terhadap 23 spesies tanaman dari famili Apocynaceae, Convolvulaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Oxalidaceae, dan Solanaceae. Sediaan polen dibuat dengan metode asetolisis standar. Karakter morfologi polen yang diamati adalah bentuk polen dari sisi polar dan ekuatorial, ukuran rata-rata polen, tipe aperture, dan tipe ornamentasi eksin. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bentuk polen dari sisi polar dan ekuatorial untuk seluruh spesies dari seluruh famili yaitu berupa circular dan circular oval. Ukuran rata-rata polen sangat beragam, mulai dari berukuran kecil hingga sangat besar. Tipe aperture tricolporate ditemukan pada famili Apocynaceae, Cucurbitaceae, dan Solanaceae. Famili Convolvulaceae tipe aperture berupa pantoporate, dan Oxalidaceae memiliki aperture tipe tricolpate. Tipe ornamentasi eksin berupa psilate ditemukan pada famili Apocynaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Oxalidaceae, dan Solanaceae, sedangkan famili Convolvulaceae bertipe
dc.description.abstractInformation about the diversity of pollen is very useful in supporting various disciplines. The character of pollen that is resistant to environmental influences and to oxidation during the fossilization process can be a very important of data source. Pollen data are widely used in forensic science related to criminal investigations. This study aimed to identify variations in the pollen morphology of garden plants. Pollen samples of 22 plant species were taken from 13 house gardens in Pekanbaru and one species of garden plant was taken from IPB University, Bogor. Flower collection is carried out based on the highest number of species from a family that has been found. Pollen grains morphology observations were carried out on 23 species belonging to the families Apocynaceae, Convolvulaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Oxalidaceae, and Solanaceae. Pollen slides were prepared by acetolysis standard method. The morphological characters of pollen grain observed were pollen shape from polar and equatorial view, pollen size, aperture type, and exin ornamentation. The result showed that pollen shape from the polar and equatorial view of all species was circular and circular oval respectively. The size of pollen grains were varied greatly, ranging from small to very large sized. The tricolporate aperture types were found in the Apocynaceae, Cucurbitaceae, and Solanaceae. The Convolvulaceae were pantoporate, and Oxalidaceae had a tricolpate type. Exin ornamentation in the form of psilate was found in Apocynaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Oxalidaceae, and Solanaceae, while in the Convolvulaceae was sculpturing
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleVariasi Morfologi Polen Beberapa Spesies Tanaman Pekaranganid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordexin ornamentationid
dc.subject.keywordpolar and equatorial viewid
dc.subject.keywordpollen sizeid

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