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dc.contributor.advisorKusharto, Clara Meliyanti
dc.contributor.advisorMadanijah, Siti
dc.contributor.advisorDewi, Mira
dc.contributor.authorHatussaadah, Siti Fati
dc.description.abstractSUMMARY SITI FATI HATUSSAADAH. A Systemic Review And Whatsapp group-Based Nutrition Education For Pre-Elderly And Elderly: Benefits Of Moringa Leaves In The Overcoming Of Uric Acid Levels. Supervised by CLARA MELIYANTI KUSHARTO, SITI MADANIJAH, and MIRA DEWI. Age and gender are factors that influence the increased risk of experiencing hyperuricemia (uric acid levels exceed normal limits), where the risk of hyperuricemia will tend to be high with age. A man is said to have hyperuricemia if his serum uric acid level is more than 7,0 mg/dL. Meanwhile, hyperuricemia in women occurs when serum uric acid levels are above 6,0 mg/dL. The elderly are grouped into two groups,1) pre-elderly, about 45-59 years old,2) elderly about >60 years old. Their nutritional needs are classified as active usually different from healthy adults. Aging has little effect on their health. This gave rise to the term “High-Risk Elderly” with criteria for age above 80 years who live alone, have depression, intellectual impairment, falling several times, urinary incontinence, and being unable to adjust in the past. The objective of this study were to analyze the benefits of Moringa leaves in the treatment of gout through systematic reviews, and provide nutritional education related to Moringa leaves in order to increased nutritional knowledge and motivation towards Moringa as alternative treatments for hyperuricemics through Whatsapp groupmedia. The Design of this study were systematic reviews design and one pretest and posttest design. The material for nutritional education was one of results from systematic reviews of some journals about Moringa in order to decreased uric acid levels in the body. Before and after intervention, subjects have given a pretest and posttest to evaluate nutritional knowledge and motivation of the subjects. The results showed that based on the Systematic Review method by searching using keywords, there were 313 articles. A total of 129 articles were excluded because based on the abstract their contents did not meet the criteria. There were 48 articles that were appropriate and relevant to the topic but 35 articles were excluded due to similar results, so that in the end there were 13 articles included in the analysis. The results of nutritional status from MNA, elderly have more percentage of risk nutrition status than pre-elderly. Based on the results of the analysis test in the knowledge category, it is known that the minimum score pretest is 14,30 and at the time post test is 57,10. Meanwhile, the maximum score of pre test is 71,40 and at the time post test is 100. This showed that there has been an increased in the subject's nutritional knowledge score after being given nutritional information through Whatsapp groupmedia. Then in the motivation category, it is known that the minimum score (pre test) is 14,30 and at the time post test is 71,40. Meanwhile, the maximum score of pretest is 71,40 and post test is 100. This showed that there has been an increased in the subject's nutritional motivation score after being given nutritional information through the Whatsapp group media. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon test on knowledge category, there was a significant difference in nutritional knowledge scores before (pretest) and after (posttest) given nutritional information via Whatsapp group. The results of the Wilcoxon signed ranks test showed that the p value was 0,000, which means that there was a significant difference between the nutritional knowledge scores before (pretest) and after (posttest) given nutritional information through the Whatsapp group to the pre-elderly and the elderly. Meanwhile, on motivation, there was a significant difference in nutritional motivation scores before (pretest) and after (posttest) given nutritional information. The results of the Wilcoxon signed ranks test showed that the p-value was 0,000, which means that there was a significant difference between nutritional motivation scores before (pretest) and after (posttest) given nutritional information through the whastapp group to the pre-elderly and the elderly Education is one of way to increase knowledge, especially in the health sector. An increased in nutritional motivation could be able to change habits, it showed that nutrition education provided through Whatsapp group was succeed. This could be influenced by internal factors as well as external factors. The states internal factors for motivations exist because they were influenced by factor whithin themselves such as knowledge, interest and ability. While external motivation factors that arised was influenced by the environment and learning facilities. There was an increased in knowledge of nutrition. The environment has a role to built good condition to made discussion forums and questions and answers forum lively during the nutrition education process to support increased motivation of the subject. Keywords: uric acid, moringa oleifera, nutrition education, whatsapp groupid
dc.description.abstractUsia dan jenis kelamin menjadi salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi peningkatan risiko mengalami hiperurisemia (kadar asam urat melebihi batas normal) risiko hiperurisemia akan cenderung tinggi seiring bertambahnya usia. Seorang pria dikatakan menderita hiperurisemia bila kadar asam urat serumnya lebih dari 7,0 mg/dL, sedangkan hiperurisemia pada wanita terjadi bila kadar asam urat serum di atas 6,0 mg/dL. Lansia dikelompokkan menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu: 1) pra-lansia yaitu usia 45-59 tahun, 2) lansia yaitu usia >60 tahun. Kebutuhan zat gizi mereka tergolong aktif biasanya berbeda dengan orang dewasa sehat. Penuaan tidak begitu berpengaruh terhadap kesehatan mereka. Hal tersebut memunculkan istilah Lansia Risiko Tinggi (High Risk Elderly) dengan kriteria usia diatas 80 tahun, hidup sendiri, depresi, gangguan intelektual, jatuh beberapa kali, inkontinensia urin, dan tidak dapat menyesuaikan diri di masa lalu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh intervensi daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) terhadap kadar asam urat melalui tinjauan sistematis, dan memberikan intervensi berupa pendidikan gizi terkait kelor untuk menurunkan kadar asam urat guna untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi dan motivasi masyarakat terhadap kelor sebagai obat alternatif untuk asam urat melalui media Whatsapp group. Metode yang dilakukan pada penelitian ini adalah Sytematic Review dan One pretest and Posttest Design. Materi pendidikan gizi yang diberikan pada saat interview adalah salah satu hasil tinjauan sistematis beberapa jurnal yang terkait tentang mengatasi asam urat dengan menggunakan daun kelor sebagai perawatannya. Sebelum dan sesudah intervensi responden diberikan pretestdan posttest untuk menilai pengetahuan dan motivasi gizi responden. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan metode Systematic Review dengan melakukan pencarian menggunakan kata kunci, terdapat 313 artikel. Sebanyak 129 artikel dikeluarkan karena berdasarkan abstrak isinya tidak sesuai kriteria. Terdapat 48 artikel yang sesuai dan relevan dengan topik tetapi terdapat 35 artikel yang dikeluarkan karena alasan hasil yang menyerupai, sehingga akhirnya terdapat 13 artikel yang disertakan dalam analisis. Pada hasil status gizi hasil MNA diketahui bahwa lansia memiliki persentase risiko gizi kurang lebih besar daripada pra-lansia. Berdasarkan hasil uji analisis pada kategori pengetahuan gizi diketahui bahwa skor minimum pretest sebesar 14,30 dan pada saat posttest sebesar 57,10, sedangkan skor maksimum dari pretest sebesar 71,40 dan pada saat posttest sebesar 100. Hal ini menunjukkan telah terjadi peningkatan skor pengetahuan gizi responden sesudah diberikan informasi gizi melalui media Whatsapp group. Pada kategori motivasi gizi diketahui bahwa skor minimum pretest sebesar 14,30 dan pada saat posttest sebesar 71,40, sedangkan untuk skor maksimum dari pretest sebesar 71,40 dan pada saat posttest sebesar 100. Hal ini menunjukkan telah terjadi peningkatan skor motivasi gizi responden sesudah diberikan informasi gizi melalui media Whatsapp group. Hasil analisis dengan menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon pada pengetahuan gizi responden terdapat perbedaan signifikan skor pengetahuan gizi sebelum (pretest) dan sesudah (posttest) diberikan informasi gizi melalui Whatsapp group dengan melakukan uji statistik. Hasil uji Wilcoxon signed ranks test diketahui bahwa nilai ρ (value) sebesar 0,000 yang artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor pengetahuan gizi sebelum (pretest) dan sesudah (posttest) diberikan informasi gizi melalui whastapp group kepada pra-lansia dan lansia. Pada motivasi gizi responden terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan dari skor motivasi gizi sebelum (pretest) dan sesudah (posttest) diberikan informasi gizi. Hasil uji Wilcoxon signed ranks test motivasi gizi responden diketahui bahwa nilai ρ-value sebesar 0,000 yang artinya terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor motivasi gizi sebelum (pretest) dan sesudah (posttest) diberikan informasi gizi. Pemberian pendidikan menjadi salah satu cara dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan seseorang terutama pada bidang kesehatan. Adanya peningkatan motivasi gizi untuk dapat merubah kebiasaan menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan gizi yang diberikan melalui Whatsapp group menunjukkan keberhasilan. Hal ini bisa dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan juga faktor eksternal. Faktor internal adalah motivasi yang ada karena dipengaruhi dari dalam diri seseorang sedangkan faktor internal motivasi yang timbul karena dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan dan sarana belajar. Adanya peningkatan pengetahuan gizi dan lingkungan belajar yang dibangun dengan baik karena adanya forum diskusi dan tanya jawab aktif selama proses pendidikan gizi membuktikan hal tersebut mendukung peningkatan motivasi dari responden. Kata kunci: asam urat, edukasi, moringa oleifera, whatsapp groupid
dc.description.abstractA Systemic Review And Whatsapp group-Based Nutrition Education For Pre-Elderly And Elderly: Benefits Of Moringa Leaves In The Overcoming Of Uric Acid Levels. Supervised by CLARA MELIYANTI KUSHARTO, SITI MADANIJAH, and MIRA DEWI. Age and gender are factors that influence the increased risk of experiencing hyperuricemia (uric acid levels exceed normal limits), where the risk of hyperuricemia will tend to be high with age. A man is said to have hyperuricemia if his serum uric acid level is more than 7,0 mg/dL. Meanwhile, hyperuricemia in women occurs when serum uric acid levels are above 6,0 mg/dL. The elderly are grouped into two groups,1) pre-elderly, about 45-59 years old,2) elderly about >60 years old. Their nutritional needs are classified as active usually different from healthy adults. Aging has little effect on their health. This gave rise to the term “High-Risk Elderly” with criteria for age above 80 years who live alone, have depression, intellectual impairment, falling several times, urinary incontinence, and being unable to adjust in the past. The objective of this study were to analyze the benefits of Moringa leaves in the treatment of gout through systematic reviews, and provide nutritional education related to Moringa leaves in order to increased nutritional knowledge and motivation towards Moringa as alternative treatments for hyperuricemics through Whatsapp groupmedia. The Design of this study were systematic reviews design and one pretest and posttest design. The material for nutritional education was one of results from systematic reviews of some journals about Moringa in order to decreased uric acid levels in the body. Before and after intervention, subjects have given a pretest and posttest to evaluate nutritional knowledge and motivation of the subjects. The results showed that based on the Systematic Review method by searching using keywords, there were 313 articles. A total of 129 articles were excluded because based on the abstract their contents did not meet the criteria. There were 48 articles that were appropriate and relevant to the topic but 35 articles were excluded due to similar results, so that in the end there were 13 articles included in the analysis. The results of nutritional status from MNA, elderly have more percentage of risk nutrition status than pre-elderly. Based on the results of the analysis test in the knowledge category, it is known that the minimum score pretest is 14,30 and at the time post test is 57,10. Meanwhile, the maximum score of pre test is 71,40 and at the time post test is 100. This showed that there has been an increased in the subject's nutritional knowledge score after being given nutritional information through Whatsapp groupmedia. Then in the motivation category, it is known that the minimum score (pre test) is 14,30 and at the time post test is 71,40. Meanwhile, the maximum score of pretest is 71,40 and post test is 100. This showed that there has been an increased in the subject's nutritional motivation score after being given nutritional information through the Whatsapp group media. The results of the analysis using the Wilcoxon test on knowledge category, there was a significant difference in nutritional knowledge scores before (pretest) and after (posttest) given nutritional information via Whatsapp group. The results of the Wilcoxon signed ranks test showed that the p value was 0,000, which means that there was a significant difference between the nutritional knowledge scores before (pretest) and after (posttest) given nutritional information through the Whatsapp group to the pre-elderly and the elderly. Meanwhile, on motivation, there was a significant difference in nutritional motivation scores before (pretest) and after (posttest) given nutritional information. The results of the Wilcoxon signed ranks test showed that the p-value was 0,000, which means that there was a significant difference between nutritional motivation scores before (pretest) and after (posttest) given nutritional information through the whastapp group to the pre-elderly and the elderly Education is one of way to increase knowledge, especially in the health sector. An increased in nutritional motivation could be able to change habits, it showed that nutrition education provided through Whatsapp group was succeed. This could be influenced by internal factors as well as external factors. The states internal factors for motivations exist because they were influenced by factor whithin themselves such as knowledge, interest and ability. While external motivation factors that arised was influenced by the environment and learning facilities. There was an increased in knowledge of nutrition. The environment has a role to built good condition to made discussion forums and questions and answers forum lively during the nutrition education process to support increased motivation of the subject. Keywords: uric acid, moringa oleifera, nutrition education, whatsapp groupid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleTinjauan Sistematis dan Edukasi Gizi Berbasis Whatsapp Group untuk Pra-Lansia dan Lansia: Manfaat Kelor dalam Mengatasi Asam Uratid
dc.subject.keyworduric acidid
dc.subject.keywordmoringa oleiferaid
dc.subject.keywordnutrition educationid
dc.subject.keywordwhatsapp groupid

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