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dc.contributor.advisorLestari, Yulin
dc.contributor.advisorIswantini, Dyah
dc.contributor.authorIslami, Zidny Nur Diana
dc.description.abstractZIDNY NUR DIANA ISLAMI. Eksistensi Aktinobakteri Endofit Kunci Pepet (Kaempferia angustifolia) dan Potensinya sebagai Inhibitor Lipase Pankreas. Dibimbing oleh YULIN LESTARI dan DYAH ISWANTINI. Aktinobakteri endofit dapat memiliki aktivitas biologi yang mirip dengan tanaman inangnya. Kunci pepet (Kaempferia angustifolia) merupakan tanaman obat yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai antiobesitas. Keberadaan dan keragaman aktinobakteri endofit dalam rimpang kunci pepet belum banyak dilaporkan. Apalagi potensi aktinobakteri endofit rimpang kunci pepet sebagai antiobesitas melalui aktivitas inhibitor lipase pankreas juga belum banyak diketahui. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengisolasi dan mengeksplorasi keragaman aktinobakteri endofit rimpang kunci pepet, serta menguji aktivitasnya sebagai inhibitor lipase pankreas. Isolasi aktinobakteri menggunakan media Humic Vitamin B Agar (HVA), dan dikarakterisasi morfologi makroskopis dan mikroskopisnya. Sebanyak 11 isolat dari total 30 isolat yang diperoleh, memiliki warna miselium aerial yang bervariasi dari warna putih, abu-abu, cream, dan biru, serta terdapat 2 isolat yang menghasilkan pigmen warna, yaitu RKa 18 dan RKa 20 dengan masing-masing warna pigmen Signal brown (YSA dan ISP-4), Mahogany brown (ISP-2), dan Fawn brown (ISP-2). Morfologi rantai spora mirip tipe Flexibilis (F) dan Retinaculus-Apertus (RA). Karakter morfologi koloni mirip genus Streptomyces. Supernatan 5 isolat aktinobakteri, yaitu isolat RKa 1, RKa 2, RKa 5, RKa 19, dan RKa 21 memiliki beragam aktivitas inhibitor lipase pankreas, berturut-turut sebesar 1,60%, 5,19%, 29,35%, 11,85%, dan 27,98%. Biomassa kering sel 5 isolat tersebut berkisar antara 0,3 - 2,7 mg/mL, yang tidak berkaitan langsung dengan bioaktivitasnya. Dengan demikian, hasil pendekatan yang bergantung pada karakterisasi morfologi dan penapisan supernatan dengan ELISA plate reader memberikan indikator yang berguna dalam identifikasi awal keberadaan dan keragaman aktinobakteri endofit K. angustifolia yang berpotensi sebagai inhibitor lipase
dc.description.abstractZIDNY NUR DIANA ISLAMI. The Existence of Kaempferia angustifolia Endophytic Actinobacteria and Its Potential as a Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitor. Supervised by YULIN LESTARI and DYAH ISWANTINI. Endophytic actinobacteria have biological activity that can be similar to their host plant. K. angustifolia is a medicinal plant that can be used as antiobesity. The existence and diversity of endophytic actinobacteria in Kaempferia angustifolia has not been widely reported. Moreover, the potential of endophytic actinobacteria in K. angustifolia rhizome as antiobesity by pancreatic lipase inhibitor activity is not much known either. This study aimed to isolate and explore the diversity of endophytic actinobacteria in K. angustifolia rhizome, and to examine their activity as a pancreatic lipase inhibitor. Isolation of actinobacteria was conducted using Humic Vitamin B agar (HVA) medium, and its morphology was characterized both macroscopically and microscopically. There were 11 isolates from a total of 30 isolates obtained had aerial mycelium colors that varied from white, gray, cream, and blue. There were 2 isolates, i.e. RKa 18 and RKa 21 that produced color pigment, with each pigment colors were Signal brown (YSA and ISP-4), Mahogany brown (ISP-2), and Fawn brown (ISP-2). The morphology of spore chains were similar to Flexibilis (F) and Retinaculus-Apertus (RA). Colony morphology characters were similar to the Streptomyces genus. Supernatant of the 5 actinobacteria isolates, i.e. RKa 1, RKa 2, RKa 5, RKa 19, and RKa 21 had various pancreatic lipase inhibitory activities, i.e. 1.60%, 5.19%, 29.35%, 11.85%, and 27.98%, respectively. The dry biomass cell of the 5 isolates ranged from 0.3 – 2.7 mg/mL, which was not directly related to their bioactivity. Thus results from both morphological character and supernatant screening with ELISA plate reader approaches provided useful indicators in the initial identification of the presence and diversity of actinobacteria endophytes in K. angustifolia that have potential as a pancreatic lipase
dc.description.sponsorshipDidanai Dosen Pembimbing Prof Dr Ir Yulin Lestariid
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleEksistensi Aktinobakteri Endofit Kunci Pepet (Kaempferia angustifolia) dan Potensinya sebagai Inhibitor Lipase Pankreasid
dc.title.alternativeThe Existence of Kaempferia angustifolia Endophytic Actinobacteria and Its Potential as a Pancreatic Lipase Inhibitorid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordmedicinal plantid

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