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dc.contributor.advisorPutri, Eka Intan Kumala
dc.contributor.authorPermatasari, Fransiska Novia Amber
dc.description.abstractCV. Kastubi Berkah merupakan bidang usaha sekaligus fasilitator bagi masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah plastik (recycling). Keberadaan perusahaan ini dapat memberikan pengaruh kepada masyarakat mengenai pengelolaan sampah plastik sehingga dapat tercipta konsep pengelolaan sampah yang baik yaitu adanya partisipasi masyarakat dan pengelolaan sampah yang mendekati rumah tangga. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menganalisis sistem rantai nilai daur ulang sampah plastik, (2) menganalisis persepsi masyarakat terhadap pengelolaan sampah plastik menjadi produk cacahan plastik, dan (3) mengestimasi besarnya nilai tambah dari sampah plastik menjadi produk cacahan plastik. Metode yang digunakan yaitu analisis rantai nilai teori Porter, analisis nilai tambah metode Hayami, dan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan skala likert. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan biaya penyediaan bahan baku Rp552.000,00, kegiatan operasi Rp13.950.000, dan logistik keluar Rp958.000,00. Masyarakat merasakan dampak pengelolaan sampah plastik perusahaan dari aspek sosial dan lingkungan, tetapi belum merasakan dampak dari aspek ekonomi. Nilai tambah terbesar dihasilkan oleh produk PP PK yaitu sebesar Rp4.209,37 per
dc.description.abstractCV. Kastubi Berkah is a business sector as well as a facilitator for the community in plastic waste management (recycling). The existence of this company can have an influence on the community regarding plastic waste management so that a good waste management concept can be created, namely community participation and waste management approaching households. Based on this, this study aims to (1) analyze the plastic waste recycling value chain system, (2) analyze public perceptions of the management of plastic waste into shredded plastic products, and (3) estimate the value added of plastic waste into shredded plastic products. The methods used are value chain analysis of Porter's theory, value added analysis of the Hayami method, and quantitative descriptive analysis with a Likert scale. The results of this study indicate that the cost of providing raw materials is IDR 552,000.00, operating activities are IDR 13.95 million, and outbound logistics is IDR 958,000.00. The community feels the impact of the company's plastic waste management from social and environmental aspects, but has not yet felt the impact from the economic aspect. The biggest added value was generated by PP PK products, which was IDR 4,209.37/
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Nilai Tambah dan Persepsi Masyarakat Terhadap Pengelolaan Sampah Plastik CV. Kastubi Berkahid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis of Added Value and Communities Perception of Plastic Waste Management Conducted by CV. Kastubi Berkahid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordadded valueid
dc.subject.keywordplastic wasteid
dc.subject.keywordvalue chainid

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