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dc.contributor.advisorWahyudi, Aris Tri
dc.contributor.advisorPriyanto, Jepri Agung
dc.contributor.authorSabili, Achmad
dc.description.abstractAktinomiset rizosfer merupakan salah satu mikroorganisme yang berpotensi sebagai agen biokontrol terhadap cendawan fitopatogen, salah satunya melalui produksi enzim mikolitik seperti glukanase. 11 isolat aktinomiset telah berhasil diisolasi dari rizosfer jagung, dan telah diketahui memiliki aktivitas pemacu pertumbuhan dan biokontrol antifungi, namun belum diketahui potensinya dalam menghasilkan glukanase. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyeleksi aktinomiset rizosfer jagung penghasil glukanase dan mendeteksi keberadaan gen endo-β-1,3-glukanase. Berdasarkan uji kualitatif pada medium yang mengandung 0,5% beta glukan, seluruh isolat mampu menghasilkan enzim glukanase yang beragam yaitu berkisar antara 1,63±0,18 - 2,00±0,24. Tiga isolat dengan indeks glukanolitik tertinggi yaitu ARJ 32 (2,00±0,24), ARJ 38 (1,97±0,12), dan ARJ 23 (1,88±0,14). Amplifikasi PCR menggunakan primer Bgl16F dan Bgl16R menunjukkan bahwa seluruh isolat memiliki gen endo-β-1,3-glukanase dengan pita berukuran ± 160 pb. Analisis lebih lanjut diperlukan untuk menentukan potensinya sebagai agen biokontrol terhadap cendawan
dc.description.abstractRhizosphere actinomycetes are one of the microorganisms that have the potential as biocontrol agents against phytopathogenic fungi by producing mycolityc enzymes such as glucanase. A total of 11 isolates of maize rhizosphere actinomycetes were used in this study. Previously, these isolates have been studied to have potential in promoting plant growth and in inhibiting fungal growth, but their potential in producing glucanase is not studied yet. Based on the qualitative test on the medium containing 0.5% β-glucan, all isolates were able to produce the glucanase enzyme with various glucanolytic indexes ranging from 1,63±0,18 to 2,00±0,24 three highest indexes showed by ARJ 32 (2.00±0.24), ARJ 38 (1.97±0.12), and ARJ 23 (1.88±0.14). In addition, all isolates have been detected to have gene encoding glucanase with amplicon size ± 160 bp, as amplified by using Bgl16F and Bgl16R primers. In conclusion, this study showed these isolates attributed with glucanase activity are potential to be further developed as biocontrol
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePenapisan Aktinomiset Penghasil Enzim Endo-β-1,3-Glukanase Asal Rizosfer Jagung serta Deteksi Gen Penyandinyaid
dc.title.alternativeScreening of Actinomycetes Producing Endo-β-1,3-Glucanase Enzymes from The Maize Rhizosphere and Detection of The Encoding Genesid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid

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