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dc.contributor.advisorSafithri, Mega
dc.contributor.advisorAmbarsari, Laksmi
dc.contributor.authorSyifa, Khalida
dc.description.abstractAlzheimer merupakan penyakit yang menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan fungsi kognitif dan merupakan penyebab kematian ketujuh terbesar di dunia. Inhibitor enzim asetilkolinesterase (AChE) merupakan pengobatan alzheimer yang paling banyak berkembang hingga saat ini, namun pengonsumsiannya masih memberikan banyak efek samping. Sirih merah, tanaman yang telah banyak digunakan dalam pengobatan herbal mengandung banyak senyawa aktif yang diharapkan dapat berpotensi sebagai inhibitor AChE. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan senyawa aktif sirih merah yang berpotensi dalam menginhibisi enzim AChE secara in silico menggunakan teknik penambatan molekuler. Potensi inhibisi terbaik dimiliki oleh copaene, auron, dan 1,1’-(6,6’-Dihydroxy-5,5’-dimethoxy3,3’-biphenyldiyl)di(1-propanone) dengan nilai ΔG dan Ki berturut-turut sebesar - 7,738; -7,658; dan -5,348 kkal/mol serta Ki 2,045; 2,498; dan 118,9 µM. Ketiga ligan tersebut juga berinteraksi dengan sisi aktif CAS (Catalytic Active Site) atau PAS (Peripheral Aromatic Site) yang berperan penting dalam penghambatan enzim AChE untuk terapi
dc.description.abstractAlzheimer is a disease that causes the decline of cognitive function and considered as the seventh biggest cause of death in the world. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme inhibitors are the most established treatment for alzheimer until now despite its possible side effects. Red betel, a widely used plant in herbal medication, contains many active compounds which are expected to be potential for AChE inhibitors. The study aims to research the active compound of red betel that has the potential to inhibit the AChE enzyme in silico through molecular docking techniques. The finest inhibitory potentials were possessed by copaene, aurone, and 1,1’-(6,6’ -Dihydroxy- 5,5’ -dimethoxy- 3,3’ -biphenyldiyl)di(1- propanone) indicated correspondingly by the value of ΔG and Ki values -7.738; - 7,658; and -5.348 kcal/mol and Ki 2,045; 2,498; and 118,9 µM. Those three ligands also interacted with the active site CAS (Catalytic Active Site) or PAS (Peripheral Aromatic Site) that plays a fundamental role to inhibit the AChE enzyme for antialzheimer
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleAnalisis Potensi Senyawa Aktif Daun Sirih Merah (Piper Crocatum) sebagai Inhibitor Enzim Asetilkolinesterase Secara In Silicoid
dc.title.alternativeAnalysis Potency of Red Betel Active Compund as an Inhibitor of Acetylcholinesterase Enzyme Through In Silicoid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordmolecular dockingid
dc.subject.keywordred betelid

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