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dc.contributor.advisorSaptomo, Satyanto
dc.contributor.authorZuliarti, Armin
dc.description.abstractKota Bogor termasuk dalam wilayah dengan curah hujan tinggi tahunan rata-rata 3.500 – 4.000 mm sehingga berpotensi terjadinya pemanenan air hujan. Penelitian dilakukan untuk merencanakan volume penampungan air hujan yang dapat diaplikasikan di skala unit perumahan Villa Citra Bantarjati dan merancang alat filtrasi sederhana untuk meningkatkan kualitas fisik air hujan yang dapat digunakan untuk menunjang kebutuhan domestik. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan data primer meliputi luas atap rumah serta data sekunder meliputi data curah hujan maksimum dan penggunaan air. Pengujian kualitas air dilakukan dengan uji kualitas fisik air hujan sebelum dan sesudah melewati filter untuk menghasilkan kualitas air yang memenuhi baku mutu air kelas II. Luas atap digunakan untuk menangkap air hujan sebesar 25 m2, sehingga rata-rata volume ketersediaan yang ditampung pada bak penampungan air hujan adalah 155,31 L/hari dengan faktor kehilangan air akibat limpasan sebesar 20%. Kapasitas bak penampungan air hujan yang memenuhi kebutuhan air domestik adalah 330 L. Perancangan filter sederhana ini mampu meningkatkan kualitas fisik air hujan dengan susunan media filter yang telah ditentukan ketinggiannya. Bahan filter sederhana yang berperan dalam pengolahan air meliputi zeolit dan arang
dc.description.abstractBogor city is included in the region with an average annual high rainfall of 3.500 – 4.000 mm so that the potential for rainwater harvest. This research was conducted to plan the volume of rainwater reservoirs that can be applied at the scale of Villa Citra Bantarjati housing units and design simple filtration tools to improve the physical quality of rainwater that can be used to support domestic needs. This study was conducted using primary data covering the area of the roof of the house as well as secondary data including maximum rainfall data and water use. Water quality testing is conducted by physical quality test of rainwater before and after passing the filter to produce water quality that meets class II water quality standards. The roof area is used to capture rainwater by 25 m2 , so the average volume of availability accommodated in rainwater reservoirs is 155.31 L/day with water loss factor due to runoff of 20%. The capacity of rainwater reservoirs that meet domestic water needs is 330 L. The design of this simple filter is able to improve the physical quality of rainwater with a predetermined arrangement of filter media. Simple filter materials that play a role in water treatment include zeolite and activated
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePerancangan Penampungan Air Hujan dengan Filtrasi Sederhana Skala Unit Rumah di Perumahan Villa Citra Bantarjatiid
dc.title.alternativeBali cattle are native Indonesian cattle that have potential genetic and economic value to be developed. Sekolah Peternakan Rakyat (SPR) of Kuamang Abadi, District of Bungo has wide potential for cattle development, with 90% of the population being Bali cattle. This study aims to determine the performance level of bali cattle production at the SPR of Kuamang Abadi, District of Bungo by looking at morphometric data (body measurements), maintenance management systems (intensive, semi-intensive, extensive) and different age categories. In this study, 185 bali cattle were observed, with various rearing systems and ages. Productivity data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 treatment factors, namely the maintenance system and age with different replications. The results obtained at the SPR of Kuamang Abadi did not show significant differences in body morphometrics, whether reared intensively, semi-intensively or extensively. Meanwhile, in different age categories, changes in body size were significantly different from each age category (< 1 year, 1-2 years and > 2 years). However, when viewed from the morphometrics of bali cattle at the SPR of Kuamang Abadi the results are quite
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordwater availabilityid
dc.subject.keywordwater qualityid
dc.subject.keywordrainwater reservoirid

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