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dc.contributor.advisorListiyowati, Sri
dc.contributor.advisorAstuti, Rika Indri
dc.contributor.authorNabilah, Firyal Noviatanti
dc.description.abstractIndonesia mempunyai kelimpahan dan keragaman komoditas pangan, termasuk pangan fermentasi. Namun, analisis metadata tentang diversitas pangan fermentasi belum dilaporkan. Selain itu, perbandingan kandungan gizi pangan fermentasi berbasis susu juga belum tersedia. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap status diversitas pangan fermentasi, mengetahui kandungan gizi terutama dari pangan fermentasi berbasis susu yakni dangke dan perbandingannya di antara produk fermentasi berbasis susu. Metode penelitian meliputi studi literatur, pembuatan dangke, analisis proksimat dangke, dan analisis data secara statistika. Studi literatur menunjukkan bahwa makanan dan minuman fermentasi di Indonesia paling banyak dilaporkan oleh artikel masing-masing pada tahun 2017, 2018, dan 2019. Walaupun sebagian besar pangan fermentasi tidak diketahui daerah asalnya, namun kelompok mikroba yang terlibat dalam pengolahannya diketahui paling banyak berasal dari kelompok bakteri dibandingkan fungi, terutama melalui mekanisme fermentasi asam laktat. Peranan mikroba dalam produk fermentasi beragam dan dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam lima kelompok. Peranan mikroba utamanya, yaitu mendukung bioproses. Di antara produk fermentasi berbasis susu, dangke merupakan produk tradisional dengan kandungan lemak yang berbeda signifikan dengan yoghurt, kefir, dan dadih serta proteinnya tidak berbeda signifikan dengan yoghurt, kefir, dadih, dan keju mozzarella. Analisis kandungan gizi ini mengindikasikan terdapat perbedaan kadar lemak dan protein di antara produk pangan fermentasi berbasis
dc.description.abstractIndonesia has high abundance and diversity of food commodities, including fermented food. However, metadata analysis about the diversity of fermented foods has not been reported. In addition, a comparison of the nutritional content of milk-based fermented foods is also not yet available. Therefore, this study aimeds to reveal the diversity status of fermented foods, to determine the nutritional content, especially of fermented milk-based foods, namely dangke and their comparisons between milk-based fermented products. The research method included literature study, making dangke, proximate analysis of dangke, and statistical data analysis. Literature studies show that fermented foods and beverages in Indonesia were most reported in 2017, 2018, and 2019 respectively. Although most fermented foods are not known for their area of origin, the microbial groups involved in their processing are known to come from the bacterial group rather than fungi, mainly through the lactic acid fermentation mechanism. The role of microbes in fermented products are diverse and can be grouped into five groups. The main role of microbes is to support bioprocesses. Among milk-based fermented products, dangke is one of the traditional products with a fat content that is significantly different fat content from yoghurt, kefir, and dadih and the protein is not significantly different from yoghurt, kefir, dadih, and mozzarella cheese. This analysis of nutritional content indicates that there are differences in fat and protein content among fermented milk-based food
dc.description.sponsorshipDosen pembimbing (Ibu Rika Indri Astuti)id
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titleDiversitas Pangan Fermentasi di Indonesia dan Perbandingan Kandungan Gizi Pangan Fermentasi Berbasis Susuid
dc.title.alternativeThe Diversity of Fermented Foods in Indonesia and Comparison of The Nutrient Content of Milk-Based Fermented Foodsid
dc.typeUndergraduate Thesisid
dc.subject.keywordfat contentid
dc.subject.keywordprotein contentid
dc.subject.keywordproximate analysisid

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